Chapter Nine: The Bloodbath - Hades' Perspective

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6004 ABY, Hades' Midnight-Class Custom Starfighter, the 'Helm One', near the Elixir

"I've got three Schism fighters on my tail, over!" Helm Three said, sounding panicked.

"I've got your back, Three, over." Helm Four replied. The mission had gone well at first. Helm Squadron had taken out a ship full of explosives that was supposed to ram into the Elixir, and the explosion it generated was powerful enough to take out ten of the nearest battleships. Then the mission took a turn for the worst. As they were trying to escape, Helm Five, who was behind everyone else, couldn't build up speed quick enough. They got caught by the explosion. Their ship didn't show up on the scanners, and all contact had been lost, so they could only assume that they were gone.

"I can't hold out much longer. I've taken too much damage, I don't know if I'm gonna-" Helm Three was cut off by her ship's engine being hit in their weak point, causing her ship to blow up. Shrapnel from the explosion hit Helm Four's viewport, causing the viewport to explode open and suck Helm Four out of his ship.

"Head for that ship, we'll ram the enemies into their own ship." Hades said while dodging laserfire from the other ships.

"Roger that, sir." Helm Two replied. Helm Squadron veered downwards, speeding towards the bridge of the Dawn Saint. The other fighters continued flying towards them, even though they were getting close to the ship. One of the Schism ships scored a hit on Helm Two.

"Pull up on my mark. Three, two, one, MARK!" Hades yelled.

"My controls aren't working! They must have gotten hit when-" Was all that Helm Two could get out before her ship rammed into the bridge of the Dawn Saint, exploding her ship and enveloping the Schism ships in flames.

Just then, Darth Varados' voice came in over Hades' comm.

"Slaughter Group, return to your hangar. Repeat, Slaughter Group, return to the Elixir, over and out." Varados said urgently.

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