Chapter Seventeen: The Interrogation

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6004 ABY, Torture chamber/cell room, Danaan

"What's your name?" Varados asked the captive.

The group had gone back to the base hours earlier, and had brought the captives back with them.

"Wouldn't you like to know." The captive replied.

"Very much so. As much as I'm sure you would like to live. Now tell me." Varados said, using the force to influence the person's mind.

"Fine! My name is Gemma Oruos." Gemma said.

"Pleasure to torture you, Gemma. Now, would you say that you enjoy the presence of your fellow officers?" Varados asked.

"Of course. We've been through a lot together. But I'm sure that you've never experienced a bond like that." Gemma said with disgust.

"Then you would be distraught if I killed one of your friends right in front of you." Varados said, menacingly.

"WHAT?!!" No! Please, spare them! They know nothing!!" Gemma yelled, sounding panicked.

"That's why I'm killing them and not you. Now here's how this is going to work. We kill them, one at a time, in front of you, and either you tell us what we want to know, or we run out of people to kill and this gets messy for you. The choice is yours," Varados said, "Either way, they die. If you cooperate, all of you will suffer less."

"I don't believe you. You're bluffing." Gemma said, visibly shaking.

"Oh, I assure you, I'm not bluffing. Moff Mangin, bring in the first prisoner." Varados said, looking back at Gemma, a look of malevolence on his face.

"No...," Gemma said, voice shaking. "No, no, no!"

"Here you are, my lord." Grand Mof Gesh Mangin said as two troopers dragged in a body in a straightjacket, mask covering their face.

One trooper undid the straightjacket and took off the mask while the other stood nearby, weapon raised and aimed at the prisoner. They then hoisted the prisoner, who was temporarily paralyzed below the neck, onto an inclined table and locked their arms and legs in restraints. They also tied the person's head to the table, showing the gag in their mouth and the fearful look in their eyes.

"Fel! No!" Gemma sobbed.

"Last chance. Tell us how you got past all of the scanners, and we will spare them this torture." Varados said.

"Please, I don't know! I was just assigned to lead the mission!" Gemma pleaded.

"If you were assigned to lead this, then you would have at least been a part of the strategizing, so you do know. Shame, I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do this. On second thought, I'm going to enjoy this. Admiral, proceed with the execution." Varados said.

As Gesh walked over to the controls for the machine attached to the table, Gemma cried out "WAIT!", causing Gesh to pause.

"WAIT! Wait, stop! I'll tell you!" Gemma yelled. "We used cloaking devices on three shuttles that had been fitted with a device that can cast a cloak around other ships. That's how we got the supplies for the base to the ground. They cloaked a star yacht. Once it was safe to do so, we decloaked and split up. Then the shuttles shut down, and you know the rest, I'm sure."

"That wasn't too hard, now, was it?" Varados asked. Gemma shook her head. "Unfortunately, you didn't comply in time, and my offer has been rescinded. Admiral, you may begin the execution when you are ready."

"NO!" Gemma yelled as Gesh pressed a button on the console.

A two-needle syringe extended from the machine and jabbed itself into Fel's neck. Fel started to convulse, showing that the paralyzation drug had worn off. The needles pulled out, and Fel slowly stopped shaking. After Fel stopped convulsing, the guards undid the clamps and took her off of the table. They took Fel and threw her in the cell next to Gemma's. She landed near the wall connecting the cells and hit her head.

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