Chapter Two: The Duel and The Alliance

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2987 BBY, The Fender, docked on Tatooine

"Hello. I am Darth Varados. Now, unfortunately, I must kill you." Varados said.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Kronos said, backing up in surprise.

"You have interrupted my carbonite freezing stasis. Therefore you must die." Varados said, pulling out a double-bladed lightsaber.

"Hey, me and my men just wanted to discuss a possible alliance with your team." Kronos said, one hand raised in surrender, the other edging towards his blaster.

"I will consider an alliance with you, if you can best me in a duel. I will only use my single bladed lightsaber." Varados said, putting the long saber away and pulling out a much smaller, shinier saber hilt.

"Ok, fine. Lets dance!" Kronos said, drawing the blaster rifle that was attached to his back.

Varados lunged at Kronos, but Kronos turned to the side, watching Varados land on the ground, and Kronos shot Varados with a stun blast. Varados turned to lunge again, but Kronos just stunned Varados three more times.

Varados, now barely conscious, said "Alright, you win. I concede. Go speak to my assistant, Ashwsourenn Winntol, in the front room, assuming he's still alive."

At this, Varados passed out. Kronos nodded, then walked out to where Ashwsourenn (Ash), was being treated by Hades.

"Ahh!" Ash groaned as Hades injected a painkiller into his arm. "Seeing as your still alive, I'm assuming your mission went well."

"Lord Varados sent us to you, so we may get put in carbon freezing," Kronos said, "Also, Varados will probably need some assistance getting back into his carbon freezing chamber."

"I will get your suits momentarily. First, I want to let the painkillers kick in." Ash said.

"Roger that. And sorry about your knee." Kronos said.

"It will heal." Ash said.

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2006 BBY, Dromund Kaas, homeworld of the Sith Empire

Chrysoar aimed his sniper rifle at the head of his target. The person that he was hired to kill was a Sith named Jast Willnaas. Just before Chrysoar could take the shot, Jast sensed a disturbance in the force. He pulled out his lightsaber, ignited it, and blocked the shot. Jast turned and ran at Chrysoar. He reached Chrysoar and sliced upwards, taking off his arm. Chrysoar, needing to survive, pushed through the pain and grabbed his blaster pistol. He fired three shots into Jast's head, killing him instantly. After that, he went to Mythos Cybernetics Corporation and got a new arm.

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