Chapter Eighteen: The Execution

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6004 ABY, The Sinking Feeling, orbiting Stenness

Lanaa Bilee was sitting on the bridge of the Sinking Feeling, staring out the viewport at Stenness, when her whole world was turned upside down.

"Ma'am! You have a comm coming in from Gemma Oruos." Sergeant Kel Doraam ran in and said, out of breath. Lanaa turned around in

"Ah, good. They must have set up their comms system. Put her on." Lanaa said, turning back around to the holo-comm. The screen flickered to life and Lanaa's eyes widened in shock at what she saw.

"Hello, Lanaa. How's life?" Darth Varados asked. In the background, she saw Gemma and some other soldiers.

"How do you know my name?" Lanaa growled.

"Oh, your friend here was quite cooperative. It only took killing the woman that she loved to break her." Varados said, gesturing to Gemma.

"What do you want, asshole?" Lanaa said.

"Straight to the point. I like it. You see, there is nothing that I would like more than to see you suffer." Varados said, pointing to the group of prisoners.

"You wouldn't." Lanaa said, shocked.

"Do you need proof?" Varados asked as one of the soldiers was lifted off their feet, gasping for air.

They flew forward as Varados ignited his saber. Varados turned around right as they reached him, and his saber went through their stomach. Varados deactivated his saber and the soldier fell to the ground, clutching their stomach.

"Ok, I believe you. Please, just let them go." Lanaa said.

"Surrender your fleet and army and I'll consider it." Varados said. Spectral Order troops came into view.

"Ok I agree. We're on the Sinking Feeling, docked on Nal Hutta. Please, let them go." Lanaa pleaded.

"I have considered it, and I have decided to kill them anyways. Thanks though. Nal Hutta is being surrounded as we speak," Varados said. "Captain, fire away."


"Thank you. Fire." Varados replied. Everyone except Gemma dropped to the floor.

"NO!" Lanaa yelled. The guards dragged Gemma off screen.

"Thank you for your participation. That will be all." Varados said before ending the call.

Lanaa sat in shock for a moment before she moved. She reached for the comm and dialed a number.

"Theseus. Get Gemma out of there and enact our plan. We don't have much time." She said as she recorded a message.

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