Chapter Fourteen: The News

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6004 ABY, Ord Mantell

"Hurry, Triton won't last much longer!" Perseus yelled, running and carrying Triton on his shoulders.

Triton's wounds had gotten progressively worse. Perseus, Atlas, and Poseidon were running to the nearest med-center on the off chance that they could save Triton. They reached the med-center, and ran to the nearest Bacta tank. They got Triton situated, and then called for a doctor to assess him.

"Well, his chances of survival are slim. The Bacta might heal him enough for him to say goodbye, but I guess that we could wait and see if he makes it. Other than that I don't think that there's  anything we can do." The doctor, who had identified themselves as Grend Bol, reported.

"We would like to see if recovery is possible before we do anything." Poseidon said.

"Ok. Another staff member or I will contact you if anything happens." Grend said before walking away.

Before they left, Poseidon said to Triton,

"Please get better."

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