Chapter Six: Check-in

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6004 ABY, Just outside of The Elixir

Varados was listening in on Schism communications when he heard something that caught his attention.

"This is the Event Horizon, reporting to all Schism ships. We are having a reactor core malfunction. We will exit hyperspace early so that we are far from the main group when we blow. The crew is currently being evacuated, but not everyone will make it. Godspeed, rebels." The transmission said.

No more than a minute later, an explosion lit up Varados' viewport, and moments after that the shockwave from said explosion rocked his ship. Distress calls started pouring in from the survivors. Varados turned off that comm, and turned on the comm which Xann Gal would use to relay orders given to Schism ships. Right after he turned it on, a transmission came through the comm.

"We must attack!" Xann's voice came through, "It's now or never!"

Varados switched comms and alerted the fleet.

"Schism ships approaching!" He said, "Open fire!"

"Slaughter Group, this Butcher One. All wing leaders report in, over." Varados said into his comm.

"Scythe One, reporting in, over." Kronos checked in.

"Helm One, reporting in, over." Hades checked in.

"Falx One, reporting in, over." Thanatos checked in.

"Good. Butcher Squadron, this is Butcher One. All wings, report in, over." Varados said to the members of his squadron.

"Butcher Two, reporting in, over." Butcher Two, Aka Dolph Young, said.

"Butcher Three, reporting in, over." Butcher Three, Aka Siid Glas said.

"Butcher Four, reporting in, over." Butcher Four, Aka Theron Hartnol said.

"Butcher Five, reporting in, over." Butcher Five, Aka Geron Hartnol said.

"All Butcher Squadron wings in," Varados said. "Wing leaders, have all wings reported in, over?"

"All Scythe Squadron wings in, over." Kronos replied.

"All Helm Squadron wings in, over." Hades replied.

"All Falx Squadron wings in, over." Thanatos replied.

"Roger that. All squadrons have reported in. All wings form up on your respective wing leader," Varados told Slaughter Group, "All squadrons take on your respective targets. Do not, under any circumstances, attack the Rainbow Valentine before I give the command, over."

There was a chorus of "Roger that, sir" from all of the members of Slaughter Group, before they flew off towards their respective targets.

The bloodbath had begun.

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