Ch. 4 - Making friends

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2 lives. Wasn’t that just typical Jimmy luck? He shook his head, disappointed. He was definitely going to die first. Again. He would need loads of friends to protect him, and maybe gift him a life or two. But his friends could always betray him though. Well, the more the merrier. He quickly got himself some wooden tools, and then started searching for friends. He was really unlucky, and didn’t manage to find a single soul despite his efforts.

Disappointed, he decided to go mining instead. And of course, it was there he found his first ally. He had been mindlessly strip mining for quite a while and felt both happy and revealed when he stumbled into a cave where Cleo could be located.

“Hi,” was the first thing Jimmy said, and personally he must say that word was a great conversation starter. The one who invented that word is a genius (/s).

“Why, hello there,” Cleo said, surprised that someone found her. “What are you doing here?”

“I was basically just strip mining and then came across your cave here. Wanna mine together? We can share any diamonds and other valuables we find,” he offered, desperate for a friend.

“Sure,” Cleo accepted, and went back mining. Jimmy went further into the cave, and started mining there. First he only found iron and cole, which didn’t really count as valuables, and sighed as he couldn’t find any diamonds (because Mumbo and Grian had hidden them). Cleo suddenly called him over and Jimmy rushed to her in hope that she had found diamonds. She didn’t but what she found was even better. An abandoned mineshaft, nice.

“Be careful, okay?” Cleo told him, before she went in to loot the mineshaft. Jimmy followed her, avoided the cobweb that was in literally every corner and cautiously opened a chest, not wanting to attract any mobs. Cleo went further into the mineshaft and left Jimmy alone while he was looting the chest. When he was satisfied with what he had got, he turned around just when he heard a hissing sound. He froze as he realized where sound came from, and swiftly raised his shield. The creeper exploded, breaking the chest behind him but Jimmy took zero thanks to his shield. His heart was racing and he took a moment to steady his breathing. Cleo came running just some moments later, looking from the hole in the ground to Jimmy.

“Are you okay?” she asked simply, and Jimmy nodded.

“Let’s get out of here before you get into even more trouble,” Cleo decided, and started walking towards the exit without waiting for Jimmy’s answer. Together they made it out of the cave, and the both agreed to have a rather strong alliance.

“So, where are we going to build our house?” Jimmy wondered.

“Either somewhere tactical or practical. Or both,” Cleo shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know. Maybe on that open area right there?”

Cleo pointed on a (approximately) 50x50 blocks open area surrounded by a dark oak forest.

“Sounds good to me. Do you have the resources to start building?” Jimmy said, turning to Cleo who checked her inventory. She nodded and threw two stacks of birch wood to Jimmy.

“Let’s build a nice little shed,” she suggested, and they began placing a couple of blocks, deciding the size of the building. It ended up being a rather small house from the outside, but it had a secret room under the base, which sure wasn’t that secret based on the fact that literally everyone has a secret room under their base but well, it wasn’t visible from the outside. They had just finished the build when they heard approaching footsteps, and Cleo told Jimmy to hide in the building due to his... Well, lack of luck. He heard Cleo talking with someone else, though he couldn’t hear who. A couple of minutes later Cleo and the other person entered, and it was Impulse.

“Welcome our new ally,” Cleo grinned, and Jimmy shook hands with Impulse. “This is going to be an amazing alliance, I can feel it.”

Jimmy could only agree, and as he said previously, the more the merrier.


It’s like 1:30 AM for me rn... My motivation really peaks at night, doesn’t it?

This chapter was basically a summary of Jimmy’s bad luck (It was probably a bit too excessive, but I loved writing it) and well, don’t kill me because I gave Jimmy 2 lives. I promise I won’t kill him first, no matter what. Being the first to lose a life is Scar’s job, y’know. Oh, I just love 3rd and Last Life. Imagine if it didn’t exist... I wouldn’t even watch Hermitcraft then, since me watching Hermitcraft is associated with 3rd Life.

Aha-dventure aha-waits!
(Does anyone know where Mumbo and Grian hid their diamonds? I forgot /j)

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