Chapter 1

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Y/n POV:

I get woken up by someone jumping on me. I open my eyes slightly and see Lauren, "y/n wake up" she whispers. I quickly open my eyes and yell to scare her. "What do you want squirt?".  "You need to wake up for school, if you don't miss wood will be mad" she says. "Yeah yeah, I'll get up" I say. She runs out my room and down the stairs. I live in an orphanage and Lauren is my best friend here even though she's only 5. I get out of bed and change into jeans and a top. I run down the stairs and see everyone sat down eating. I suddenly get grabbed and pulled into the kitchen. "Today you are going to come straight home after school and you are going to help put up Halloween decorations alright? And you aren't going to get in trouble today, I need you to promise me this" miss Wood says. "I promise" I say before leaving to get some breakfast. I've lived here since I was 10, since my parents died in a car crash. I'm treated alright here we don't get harsh punishments luckily, I'm always getting in trouble by either the teachers or the police although sometimes it is by accident. I sit down at the table beside Lauren. In the house there are 10 others so it's quite crowded, others have to share a room. I luckily don't because I'm older than them all. After having some cereal I quickly grab my bag and walk to school. I get to my locker and take out my books for the day, I close my locker and see Peter standing there. "Jesus Peter you scared me, look I can't study with you today I have to help wood with Halloween decorations" I tell him. "That's fine we can reschedule" he says. Our first class was Biology, Peter takes biology and chemistry, which I don't know how because they are quite boring. I was excited today because we were dissecting frogs. I wanted to partner with Peter but he went with MJ, so I ended up with Liz. I honestly have mixed feelings about her but she can be okay, we are on good terms right now. We were told to make a vertical cut down the middle, Liz gave the blade to me which I happily excepted. "Poor Rubon wonder if he had a good life" I say. "you named it?" she asks. "Well yeah I feel bad not giving it a name" I say. Just as I was about to cut it, it started twitching and I dropped the blade onto the counter. "Hey I think this frog is still alive" I yell. The frog then turned over and started jumping. "yep very alive" I mutter. The teacher comes over and picks it up. "I guess we will just have to send it back to be killed" he says. "No! I'll take him" I say and grab Rubon out of his hand. "Are you sure?" he says, I just give him a deadly stare. The rest of the lesson I just watch Peter and MJ. Peter has the biggest crush on her and its hilarious to see him try to flirt. The rest of the day was boring I kept Rubon beside me and he just stayed there. I quickly made it back to the orphanage and swiftly got a jar to put Rubon in. I put him in my room and went down stairs to put up the decorations. "You're here good, they will be home in half an hour so we have to be quick" miss Wood says. I nod and grab things to put up. "You didn't get into trouble today" "nope" I say. "That's good, how was school?" she asks. "It was boring, how was whatever you do?" I reply. "Fine" she says. After putting the last decoration up the bus dropped the kids off. "Thank you" miss Wood says before opening the door. The kids come in and gasped. "Wow y/n this is so cool" Lauren says and hugs me. "Want to see something even cooler" I whisper in her ear. She nods and I drag her upstairs into my bedroom. "Look at my new pet, this is Rubon" I say. "wow that's so cool, does miss Wood know?" she asks. I shake my head and she starts giggling. "Let's get you down stairs" I say and pick her up. "So what are you going to be for Halloween?". "I want to be ghost, what about you?" Lauren asks. "I'm not sure yet" I say. For dinner we have chicken pie and it was very delicious. I decided before bed to go for a walk. I went deep into a forest and found a building made of stone, I decided to not explore it because I would probably get into trouble. I started walking back and I get punched in the face by a man. "Hey what the hell is your problem" I yell. He starts trying punch me but misses them all and I kick him in the male area. He swipes my feet and I fly onto the ground. He gets on top of me and grabs his bow and arrow and aims at me. "Where is he?" he asks. "Where's who? Dude I litteraly came here for a walk and you are attacking me!" I yell. "Don't play dumb! I know you know where he is!" he yells back. "Are you deaf? I told you I don't know what you're talking about" I say. "Nat I've got one who isn't speaking I'm taking her in" he says. "What?" before I could say anything else he knocks me out.

I wake up in a room handcuffed to a table. The room was dark apart from the small light above me. I inspect the handcuff and take out a spare kirby clip from my pocket and start fiddling it around. After a while of trying it finally unclipped and my hand was free. I stand up and slowly open the door. I quickly make my way out the room and down corridors. I'm completely lost until I find a person dressed in a costume. "Excuse me I'm a bit lost can you direct me to the door out" I ask. "oh yeah kid, take the stairs down to the ground floor and then take a left, then a right and you should be down to the main entrance" he says. I thank him and make my way down. I finally find the exit and see that it now day. There was a big clock on the wall that showed 16:44. Jesus how long was I out, I'm in so much trouble. I quickly run out and see that I'm the middle of new York. "Hey can I use your phone? I ask a lady. She gives it to me and I put in miss woods number. "Hey"  "Y/n is that you? Where are you?"  "I'm in a street called Wall Street" "Don't move I'm coming to get you" she says and hangs up the phone, I give the lady her phone again and wait. I don't know how long it was until she came in her purple Ford Fiesta. I got in and she immediately started to yell. "Where were you? Do you know how much I worried? You know Lauren was so upset and thought you ran away and I had to calm her down, she slept in your bed. And what on earth happened to your face?!" she yells. Tears start rolling down my face. She pulls the car over and gives me an awkward side hug. "I don't know what happened, I was walking and this guy started attacking me and then knocked me out. I woke up a while ago cuffed to a table and I got out and had to ask a lady for her phone to call you" I say in one big breath. "hey its okay, I'm sorry for yelling let's get you home first" she says and starts driving again. We get back at 17:36 so the others aren't home yet. "Lauren is upstairs she was too upset to go to school today" she says. I walk up the stairs and into my bedroom and find her under my covers crying. "Hey Lauren" she hears my voice and pulls the covers down. She is cuddling the dinosaur teddy I got her for her birthday. "You're back" she says and hugs me. "Yeah I'm sorry I left" I say. "I thought you left me here alone" she says softly. "Never Laur" I say. "I fed Rubon while you were gone".  "thank you". Lauren yawns and I tell her to go to sleep and that I'll wake her up for dinner. I tuck her in and close the door. I help make dinner it was Tacos tonight. I run up to wake Lauren and carry her down the stairs. I put her beside me and we all ate. After eating I take Lauren out into the garden. "What are we doing?" she asks. "Well Rubon can't live in an empty jar forever, so we need to make it a little more homely" I tell her. We get a basket and start filling it with grass logs and flowers. We sneakily go up stairs and make Rubon his new home. We put Rubon in and he starts hopping around. After I put Lauren into her bed and she slowly falls asleep. Outside my door waiting is miss Wood. "hey I just wanted to say goodnight" she says. "Goodnight" I say and hug her before going into my bedroom. I quickly fall asleep not realising how tired I actually was.

I slowly wake up to someone poking my face. "What" I croaked out. "It's school time" I hear. I get up and take a very quick shower before getting dressed. I didn't have time for breakfast so I grabbed a plum, I kissed Lauren on the head before going to school. I see Mj, Ned and Peter all waiting at my locker. "Hey guys" I greet them. "Where have you been? And what happened to your face" MJ asks. "I got kidnapped and escaped" I tell them. Suddenly the chatter in the hall way stopped and Ned, MJ and Peter all looked behind me. "What?" I say and turned around. Standing along the hall was two woman followed by people in those funny costumes. One of the woman had fiery red hair and the other had brown. They started walking towards us and I shut my locker. "They are the ones that kidnapped me" I whisper to them.
"Y/n L/n" the brunette yells. "Yes?" I answer. She looks at one of the people in the uniform and they come forward and grip my hands before putting them in handcuffs. "What's happening?" I ask. "You are part of a world dominating organisation and we are putting a stop to it" red head said. "What?" I yell.

First chapter! It's proper shit but oh well. I've also decide that little Lauren is going to stay with us because I've gotten attached to her even though I've barely written about her 😜.
Anyway toodles.

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