chapter 15

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Natasha's POV:

"Where is she? She should be back by now" I pase up and down the room. "Calm down Nat, she will be here soon" Maria walks over and stops my marching. "I'm just worried". She grabs my hand and squeezes it as a way of comfort.

"Natasha!" Wanda suddenly bursts into the room. Everybody's heads snap towards her, she is covered in dirt and has blood running down her face. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I run over towards her, her legs collapse and i catch her in my arms. I wipe her tears, "Deep breathes wanda" I demonstate and she follows, calming her down. "What happened Wanda?".

"We were heading back and we heard an explosion so we went towards it hoping we could help, another explosion happened right beside me, it knocked me out, when I regained consciousness she wasn't there anymore". I look up at Maria, we are both internally freaking out but keeping it locked inside, we don't want to make Wanda panicked anymore than she is already. Steve takes her off me and down to medical to get some help.

"She couldn't have got far right?". Maria doesn't answer, "Maria?". She walks out the room angerly, I chase after her. "Maria where are you going?"

"To look at security footage near by, track her phone, hopefully it will give us a signal on where she is"

I continue to walk with her to her office, she sits down in her leather chair and starts tapping away looking at the footage round the streets. "I got something!" She stands up and I run round her desk to where her computer is. It shows someone carrying a girl into a concrete building, "You think it's her?" I ask. "Definitely, come on we need to get her before she gets hurt".

As we run out the office we bang into someone, "Do you have a lead?" The hurt and fragile girl asks. "Yes Wanda, now you need lie down, we are going to get her and bring her straight back here".

"No, I'm coming with you". "Wanda you are hurt, it would be stupid of you to come and stupid for us to let you, lie down and rest!" Maria shouts. Wandas head lowers and she retreats away. "You didn't have to be so harsh".

She ignores me and starts running again. Maria informs the team whilst I get suited up, we meet up in the garage. "We don't know what kind of dangers are in there, so we stick together in pairs, it's a big building lots of areas to cover, our main mission is to find y/n" Steve explains.

I pair up with Maria, although she looked quite hesitant. Once we arrive in the building we immediantly split up, me and Maria were climbing to the middle floor. "Is everything alright?" I ask her, and as a reply I get silence.

"Maria what is up with you?" I grab her hand stopping her from moving. "What is up with me? My daughter is missing and could be hurt and I'm supposed to act all jolly and happy!" Her hand slides out mine.

"No, I am just as worried as you-", "Shut up" she puts her hand over my mouth and pushes me into one of the rooms. "What the hell are you-" she puts her hand over my mouth again, then signals to be quiet. Just then two men heavily armed walk past the room.

"Guys we aren't alone in here, keep your eyes and ears open" we comm to the others. We sneak out the room and continue our search. I look into the windows of the room, and spot a small chair with someone strapped down.

I skwint my eyes and eventually the figure becomes more clear. "Y/n!" Maria's head snaps round and she barges past me into the room. She immediately starts unstrapping
y/n and picks up her unconscious body. "We have y/n and are starting to make our way out".

Her face is covered in dirt with dried specks of blood surrounding open wounds. Her neck looks irritated, red and slightly swollen. We managed to get out the building safely and so did everyone else.

Once we arrive back at the compound Y/n gets rushed up to medical. We were told to leave the room as they both examine her and treat her wounds.

Maria tells me to wash up as she would wait for Y/n to be finished. I get changed into something more comfortable before grabbing a change of clothes for Maria and Y/n.

When walking back to medical I hear sniffles from behind me. I slowly turn around and see wandas frail body. "Hey" she whispers. "We got her, she's getting treated right now but she will be up and ready soon".

Her shoulders relax a little, she nods before heading back to her room. I get to medical and see Maria isn't outside the room anymore, I slowly knock before entering the room.

Y/n was awake and sitting up, Maria was beside her holding a plastic cup filled with water. Her wounds has been cleaned and her face was no longer dirty.

Once I walk fully in something in her eyes changed. "Get out" she states firmly. I look at her shocked before turning to Maria who had an equal expression to mine. "What?".

"You heard me get out!" She shouts louder, her eyes became glossy and her face reddened slightly. "Honey what's wrong?".

She slides out of the bed before hobbling over to me. "I don't want you here get out".

"Sweetheart why don't you want Nat here?" Maria asks her. "Because she killed them!" My heart sinks and my face turns pale.

Hey beasties 
Sorry I haven't posted in a while 👹. Ya girl was in and out of hospital and when I tell you the WiFi in there IS SHITE so I couldn't write. Anyways its back to school ew.

Have a good day or night!

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