chapter 14

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Y/n's POV:

The houses we have viewed so far have been pretty decent, a couple of ones we all confidently said no too, due to not enough room, the streets around looked sketchy, and even mold growing around the walls.

One house stood out most to all of us, it's a four bedroom house, with a big garden which has a pretty pink blossom tree, there is an inside pool which has glass panels so we can see the garden and there was a small jacuzzi, the kitchen is spacey so we have lots of room to dance and cook, the livingroom was connected to the kitchen and also had plenty of space, there were two main bathrooms and three of the bedrooms had bathrooms connected to them.

"So what are we thinking about this one" Natasha asks as we walk through the house. "I like it a lot" I tell her, she then looks at Maria for her opinion. "It's perfect", "so should we buy it?".

We both nod our heads, "great, I'll go tell the lady at the front" Natasha quickly dashes away, "It really is an amazing house, which one do you want as your room?"

"I'm not sure, I liked the one which when you looked out you could see the garden", she smiles softly. We walk down stairs to the front where natasha and the sales woman were talking.

We wait as they finish their conversation, Nat walks over with a large smile on her face, "They have to review a few things, but it looks like we got the house".

Maria gives natasha a kiss which I look away from. Gross. My phone vibrates in my pocket, I take it out, I have a message from Wanda.

Wanda 👹
Hey, how are you today? :)

I'm doing okay today, Maria and Natasha took me out with them to view houses, we have found a really good one and Natasha is trying to buy it

Wanda 👹
That's good! You will have to give me a tour of it once you move in.

Will do wands, how are you today?

Wanda 👹
I'm doing alright thank you, are you free later?

I should be, why? ;)

Wanda 👹
Just wondering 🤨

Okayyyyyy, I better go, but have a good day wands.

Wanda 👹
You too!

I put my phone away with a small smile. "What's got you smiling? Or should I say who?" I lightly punch Natashas arm, she laughs and Maria joins in. "Stop teasing the poor girl" Maria scolds Nat.

Natasha ignores her and continues to tease me the whole way back to the compound. They both go to marias office. I walk into the kitchen and my eyes meet a certain green eyes. She smiles at me, which I awkwardly return. "I was just about to go out for a walk, would you like to join?"

I take a minute before answering, "of course". Her smile grows bigger, she gently grabs my arm and pulls me with her, once making it outside she lets go of me. We walk together in silence. Once we are far away from the compound she starts talking.

"How are you?", "I'm okay Wands, how about you?".

"I'm fine, you don't have to lie, you know", "I just miss everyone"

"By everyone you mean the little girl?". "Lauren, and yes, she was my little sister", "It's always hard losing someone you're close to, I lost my parents".

"I'm sorry wands", "It's okay, it was a long time ago". She slips her fingers through mine, "Where are we going?" I ask her curiously. "I'm not to sure, tell me about the house" she squeezes my hand. I start babbling on about the house to her, she occasionally looks at me everytime she does I start feeling fuzzy.

I finally stop talking after telling her basically every detail. I realise I have no idea where we are. She looks like she knows where she's going. "Want to see something cool?" She asks.

"Sure" I squint my eyes confused. She pulls me into an alley, it was gross and dirty. There were rubbish bags on the ground with litter pouring out of them. The floor was wet with lots of puddles. "This is not cool wands".

She laughs, "This isn't what I'm showing you, just keep following me".
She takes me to end of the alley way, then she starts climbing a fire escape. "Are we allowed to do this?".

She looks down at me, "probably not no" then continues to climb. I start climbing after her and after climbing a lot of stairs we finally get to the top of the building. My legs got quite a workout.

She helped me off the metal stairs and onto the gravel. We could see all over the city, "You were right, this is really cool", I walk over to edge, there is a small stone wall which only goes up to my waist which surrounded the top of the building.

I could hear Wanda's footsteps in the gravel, she walks up beside me. The sun was starting to set so the colours in the sky became more orange and pink.

It radiated onto her face, she looked at peace. Her head turns towards me, smirking she walks closer so that our skin was touching. She starts leaning in, she shuts her eyes and I take that as a hint to do it to, just as she is about to kiss me my phone starts ringing, she pulls away and awkwardly looks away.

Natasha's calling

Answer     decline

I answer her call. "Hey is everything alright?". She takes a short pause before answering. "Hi, we need you back here now" her voice is sort of shaky. I clearly my throat, "Yeah I'll be back as fast as I can".

"Be careful", "I will nat". I hang up, before turning to wanda. "I need-".
"To go?" She asks. "Yeah".

She helps me down the fire escape and starts taking me back to the compound, we walk in silence. Just as we walk past a shop, we hear a huge explosion a street or two away, screams followed after. We look at eachother then start running.

Once crossing to the next street we could see a huge fire, we take a second or two to assess what's happening. "Call nat-" just as I was giving instructions to wanda, we are thrown across the road. How many explosions do I need to go through?

I open my eyes to find everything is white and black splodges. After a minute of rubbing my eyes my vision was starting to come back. I look around and find wanda lying on the ground eyes closed, she must be unconscious. She had a cut on her face which was bleeding quite bad.

I try to move but pain washes over me, "Wanda" I squeak out trying to verbally wake her. I suddenly feel something hard smack the back of my head, next thing I know everything is black.

My pounding head started to wake me up, I try to reach up to rub it but there is a resistance which wasn't letting me. Once properly plying my eyes open I see that I have no idea where I am.

I'm strapped into a sort of dentist chair. The room was painted grey with some parts of pain chipping off, the floor was concrete. Infront of me was a large screen. No one else was in the room with me.

After a minute or two of silence the screen turns on, it was loading. Eary music started screaming through the screen. It started playing a video, it first showed a shield logo, then played on, it showed the avengers fighting in multiple locations. A man's voice entered.

"Is this thing on? Great. The avengers. A group filled with strong significant individuals, to the public they are seen as hero's, but what if we dive in deeper to some certain people?".

The screen changes to a picture of Steve, "Steve rogers a perfect example as a hero, during the second World War he tried sign up to fight along side his country, although after struggling to get in he finally got in through a programme.".

"The super soldier serum" I interrupt quite bored. "After being given the serum he changed to one of the storgest people in the world, long story short he eventually fought and defeated red skull, the ship he was in full of dangerous equipment was being sent to New York so he took the plane down with him into the sea, he was frozen and woken up many years later, now he continues to fight for good".

The screen then turns to a picture of natasha.

Sorry beasties I haven't updated this in over a month, my whoops

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