Chapter 7

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Y/n's POV:

I got home and started getting ready for the party. I got home later than expected because of the traffic. I decided I was going to put my lingerie on because you never know whats going to happen ;). I look at myself in the mirror and not going to lie I looked amazingggg, because of my training at shield my body was in shape. #BodyPositivity. I put on the trousers and shirt, I tucked my shirt into the trousers then put on some black shoes. Nat said she was going to pick me up because it was at the avenger tower and she didn't want me to take a bus there. I went down stairs and waited for her. "Is that you going now?" miss Wood asks. "Not yet, Romanoff is picking me up" I reply. "What time are you coming back at?" she asks. "I'm not sure, I have my key incase your asleep" I tell her. "Okay you look very grown up" she tells me. "Thank you" I say. Not long after there was a knock on the door, miss Wood opens it and let's Natasha in. "Are you ready?" she asks, I nod and we head out. We get in her car and she starts driving. "Why do you insist on driving so fast?" I ask. "I like it" she says. After a long drive we eventually arrive at the tower, I take my seat belt off and take the box out of my pocket. I open the small box and put my hearing aid on. "You okay?" she asks, I nod and we go in together. We got into the elevator and I realise they aren't any buttons. "JARVIS floor 10 please" natasha says. The elevator started moving and I got the biggest fright. We got out and there actually wasn't a lot of people there. "There will be more people coming" Natasha says. Great. "I'm serving drinks behind the bar for the first quarter of the party tonight, do you think you will be okay? Maria will be here soon" she says. "I'm sure I'll be fine" I tell her. She walks away and I decide to have a look around. They have a balcony with an amazing view of the city, I sit there for a while by myself. "It's a nice view isn't it?" I hear a familiar voice say. "It is wonderful" I reply. "What are you doing out here? The party is inside" maria says. "I'm not going to lie but I'm a bit nervous" I tell her. "Appreciate the honesty, you can stick with me if you want" she says. "Yes please, it's a bit awkward just wandering around" I say, she laughs a little. "I have some people that want to catch up with me, but I'm sure I can introduce you to some of them" she says dragging me away. She first introduced me to Tony Stark, Steve Rodgers and Bucky Barnes. They were all nice, Tony was a bit full of himself but I can let it slide. After meeting a couple of other people I excuse myself to go grab a drink. I walk across to the bar and have a seat, "Hey Y/n what can I get for you?" Nat asks. "Can I have a glass of water please" I reply. She grabs a glass then fills it with ice before filling the glass up with water, she hands it to me and asks "How are you liking the party?". "Its a lot but its been okay" I say. "I get off in 5 minutes do you want to wait and I'll take you to meet some people" she says, I nod and stay drinking my water. 5ish minutes later Nat comes around the bar and takes my arm. "I could see Maria taking you to see the adults, so I thought I could take you to see kids your age" she tells me. I start to feel nervous, I can meet adults fine but people around my age terrify me. "They can be a bit much sometimes but I think you will like them" she says. We walk into a different room which was filled with different things to play with. Sat in the middle was a group of teenagers. "Y/n?" I hear one of them say. I look closer and see Peter sitting with them, I give him an awkward wave. "Guys this is Y/n, I thought I would take her away from all the grown up talks and give her over to you" Nat says. She leaves and Peter immediately drags me to the floor to sit next to them. "Y/n this is Wanda, Pietro, Kate and Morgan" Peter says. They all give a series of hellos. "So Y/n what are you doing here?" Peter asks. "Oh I'm here with Nat and Maria" I tell him. "Cool! Y/n here has been training with Miss Hill and Miss Romanoff" he tells the others. "How do you know that? I never told you" I say. "Miss Romanoff talks about you all the time" he replies. "OH my god your THE
y/n" Wanda says. "Sorry Natasha does speak about you a lot, I didn't realise you were the one she was talking about" Wanda explains. The looks on everyone's faces made it clear that they some what new who I was now. "Good things I hope". "Oh yeah she basically brags to everyone how good you are" Peter says. "She sometimes says that you could be part-" Kate starts saying before being elbowed by Morgan. I looked at them confused but Wanda puts her hand on my shoulder and whispers "Ignore them, they are being stupid again". We both giggle. "Do you have any abilities y/n?" Pietro asks. "No I don't have any" I reply. "What about you guys? I obviously know that Peter is spider-man, but I want to know about you" I say. It was by accident that I found out that Peter was spider-man, I went to his house for studying and he climbed through the window in his suit. "I don't have abilities but I make suits like my dad Tony Stark" Morgan says proudly. "I also don't have super powers but I'm a good archer some may call me the best" Kate says. "I have enhanced agility" Pietro tells me. "I'm telekinesis, energy manipulation and neuroelectric interface, I did have to ask Jarvis for the name of the last one" Wanda tells us. "Wow that's very impressive, missions must be easy for you all" I say, they look at me and laugh. "God we wish we could go on missions we aren't allowed to go on them until we are 18" Morgan says. "You haven't been on one yet?". They all shake thier heads. I started hearing a beeping sound and my hearing went back to the usual. "Shit" I whisper taking the hearing aid off, I put it into the box and then shove it in my pocket. "You have a hearing aid?" Peter asks. "Yeah it's supposed to be for when I'm in loud areas hence why I put it on for the party but the battery has seemed to of died" I say. "Since when did you have one" he asks. "Today, Nat and Maria took me to the doctors yesterday and I got the hearing aid today" I tell him. "I went on my first mission a few weeks ago and it didn't go to as planned and an explosion happened and it has damaged my hearing" I explain. "You've been on missions?!" they all yell. "Yes I wasn't going to say anything but the battery died so" I say. After lots and lots of talking Peter suggests we do something, he leaves and comes back with just dance, I'm going to do so good. He turns the Wii on and gives us all controllers, Kate begged to put on Hot n Cold by Katy Perry. We all played for a while until I excused myself to the restroom, I looked at the time and saw it was quite late. I went back to the room and said goodbye to everyone before going off to find Nat, "Y/n!" I hear someone shout. I turn and see Steve. "Hi Steve, can I help you with something?" I ask. "No no, are you leaving?" he asks. "Just about to I was going to find Natasha or Maria to let them know I'm leaving" I say. "Okay, they are a bit busy right now... I'll tell them that you left. They are both very proud of you, Natasha doesn't stop talking about you" he tells me. "Yeah some of the others were telling me about that, I will be going now I'm a bit tired" I say. He waves and walks away, I walk to the elevator but decide to go to the stairs instead, I have a fear of that elevator. I exit the tower and start walking. Luckily I had money so I could get a bus, Natasha was supposed to drive me home but she is supposedly busy. I walk past a pub and around three men just exited, they were clearly drunk due to the fact they were stumbling and singing, scratch that shouting random songs. Unfortunately for me one of them spotted me and started whistling. Yuck. "Hey pretty lady" I heard one of them say before catching up to me, just after the rest come after him. "How about you come back to my place tonight?" he asks, I ignore him hoping to make it clear I wasn't interested. "Come on I'm good looking" he says then grabs my arm making me stop. "Please let go of me" I ask. "Answer me first" he says, he's close enough that I could smell the alcohol he has been drinking. "No I don't want to do anything with you, now remove your dirty hand off of me" I yell, he seems shocked at me. "You bitch" He shouts before punching me in the face. Ouchy that's going to make a mark. He swings again but I catch his fist I put my other hand near his elbow then bring my knee up before slamming his arm onto it. A loud crack was easily heard, after he started screaming like a maniac. I step back proud of what I've done, I mean I probably shouldn't have done it but then again he did touch me with his pathetic greasy chubby hands. I got caught up in the moment and didn't realise one of the other men had a knife, he plunged it into the left side of my stomach, once I felt that he removed it I quickly turned around to face him. He slashes the knife up and across my face, jesus these men are very experienced drunk fighters. The blood was pouring down my face which made it hard to see out of one eye. I quickly disarm him before hitting a pressure point in his neck to make him pass out. I look at the other guy who looks like he's about to shit himself. "Do you want a turn? I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve" I ask smirking. He shakes his head, "Where is the nearest bus stop?". "The next street over" he says pointing in the direction. I give him a small smile before proceeding to walk, I walk out of view of the men before I start dramatically swearing, I am in sooooo much pain. I get to the bus stop just as the bus I need to get on appears. I step in and pay before getting my ticket, the bus driver definitely was a shocked I mean its not everyday you see someone bleeding walking around the streets. I sit down at a window seat, personally my favourite spot. It's a long drive but it's my only option, after what seemed like hours I finally got off the bus. When I got home I saw there was a light on shit that means miss Wood was still up, I don't know how I'm going to hide this. I walk in and saw her sitting on the couch reading a book I quickly turn around hoping she won't get a look at my face. "Hey your home, how was the party?" she asks. "It was alright, I had fun" I tell her. "Can you come here a second? I need talk to you about something" she asks, I start panicking thinking of an excuse. "I can't right now I have to do something" I say, I doubt she's going to fall for that. "what this late at night, it will only be a few minutes" she says. "I really can't" I reply. "Y/n please its important you are good with kids and I need help with this" she says. Just turn around whats the worst that can happen. "Okay but don't be mad" I say turning around. "Why would I be-" she says before taking a look at me. "What happened?" she asks calmly. "I was walking to the bus stop and I walked past some drunk men and they asked me to come to thier place, then I said no but they didn't like that so one of them punched me then I broke his arm, but what I didn't see was that one of them had a knife and he stabbed me then well" I tell her gesturing to my face. "I thought Natasha was driving you home" she says very sternly. "She was busy and I didn't want to disturb her just because I wanted to go home" I say. She gets up and drags me to the kitchen, she leaves then comes back with a chair, I sit on it and I see her grab the medical box. I could hear her muttering something but I didn't dare to speak of it. "Lift your shirt up" she demands, I lift it up to just under my bra, she goes down onto her knees and starts inspecting it. She goes and gets some vodka which is put onto the highest shelves that even I can't reach, it's so that the children don't drink it thinking its some magical juice. "Take a sip or two you'll need it" she says and hands it to me. I take two big swigs which I immediately regret, I hate the taste of straight vodka I usually mix it with cranberry juice. "I need to clean it so it doesn't get an infection then I have to do stitches" she tells me. I watch her as she gets cotton wool and pours the vodka on it, "This is going to hurt" she says before wiping the wound, I bite on my shirt hoping to stop the screams from being heard. Tears were definitely rolling down my cheeks, after the minutes of agony she is finally done, or so I thought. "I need to do the stitching part now, do you think you'll be okay?" she asks bringing her hand up to my face and wiping the tears away, I just nod I really need this over and done with. I could feel everything, throughout the stitching she made sure I was okay and that I was to take deep breaths. When she finished she put a large bandage on it. She gives me a glass of water, my hands were shaking to much so she held it and put a straw in it. "Your face cut isn't deep so it doesn't need stitches but I'm going to clean it okay?" I hear her say. She takes some more cotten wool and vodka and dabs it on my cut, it wasn't as sore as the stab, this one only stings. She goes to the freezer and takes out a bag of frozen peas and places it on my eye," Sorry its just I can see your eye is a little swollen and I just wanted to reduce it a little" she says, we stay there for around 5 minutes before she  helps me up, we get to my room and see Lauren has spread out and left no room for me to lie down. "Come on let's go to my bed" she says pulling me. We get to her bedroom and she sits me on the bed, she disappeared for a few seconds before coming back with some jammies. She leaves to let me get changed, around 5 minutes later she knocks and comes back in. "Can you stay with me tonight please?" I ask, she gives me a soft smile before nodding, she leads me to the bed and lifts the covers for me to get in. She walks to the other side and climbs in, I scooch over and cuddle into her. She wraps her arms around me, I couldn't stop the tears from coming out. "I want my mama and papa back" I say crying into her, she starts stroking my hair she doesn't say anything she just let's me cry it all out. "Why them? I loved them so much, everytime I think of them it feels like my heart is being ripped out of my chest, they would be so disappointed in me". "Hey no, none of that, they are not disappointed in you, you are so strong, I mean tonight just shows it you kicked a bunch of grown mens ass's, you joined an organisation which helps save the world, you have helped so much around here and at fundraisers you make sure everyone is happy, they are far from disappointed, they will be proud of who you have become, I'm proud of who you've become" she tells me wiping the tears away. "You are amazing don't let anyone tell you something different".


Long time no see 😏. There will probably be mistakes amongst the story that's because I so tired. I Hoped you enjoyed this, I sure don't, anyways have a good day or night.

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