Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV:

It's been a three weeks since the mission and I've made a full recovery, or well that's what everyone thinks. My hearing has been getting worse, when I woke up everything was hard to hear, I prosumed it wasn't anything serious and that it would eventually heal so I didn't tell anyone about it. I was wrong it's progressively worse, at some points it gets so bad that I have to try and lip read people to know what they are saying. I would have went to the doctors but I just haven't had time. I'm currently in the cafe at shield doing homework, it's busier than usual which didn't help with my hearing due to everyone talking. I finished my homework and then feel someone tapping on my shoulder. I turn and see Romanoff, she started talking but I couldn't hear a thing, I stare at her lips trying to make something out but she talks so fast that it doesn't look like her lips are moving that much. I make lots of unique expressions to try and make it seem like I'm listening. She stops and stares at me, she then looks over and says something, a few seconds later Hill comes over and looks at me, Nat starts talking and I sit there so confused. Maria picks my things up and Natasha drags me to Maria's office. I could hear a lot better now due to the fact its a soundproof room, so anything that happened outside the office we couldn't hear and it would be the same for people on the outside of the office. "Okay what's wrong with you?" Natasha says. "Nothing why?" I ask. "Well I asked you a question and you made weird expressions then I started throwing insults at you and you continued with the expressions" she says. "Okay fine I've been needing to talk to someone about it, ever since the explosion my hearing hasn't been 100%" I tell them. "Why haven't you been to the doctors?" Maria asks. "I just haven't had the time" I say. "Okay get up we are going to get you checked out" Nat says and drags me. We get to the medical unit and they make an appointment for me, we sit down at the waiting room until I get called. A female doctor with brown hair comes out and calls me, Nat and Maria stay behind and wait for me. I can't remember the last time I went to the doctors by myself, I was very nervous and it didn't help that the doctor was very attractive. "So miss L/n what seems to be the issue?" she asks. "A while ago I was in an explosion and ever since my hearing hasn't been good, I can hear if it's a quiet place but as soon as I'm in a crowded area with lots of people talking I'm unable to hear people" I tell her. "Okay do you mind if I have a peak in your ears?" she asks, I nod letting her, after she writes something in her computer. "Okay I'm going to do a bleep test, it's where I put these headphones on you and I'm going to play a series of sounds and when you hear them press the button" she says and gives me a red button. She comes over and puts on the heavy headphones. The test goes on for a few minutes before she takes them off. "Okay I'm going to send these to an ENT doctor and we should hopefully get a diagnosis, if you can wait in the waiting room I will call you back in about 5 to 10 minutes" she says. "Okay thank you" I say before leaving. I walk out and see Maria and Nat talking to eachother. "Hey" I say sitting in the seat between them. "So what's wrong?" they ask. "Not sure yet, I have to wait 5 to 10 minutes and they will hopefully have a diagnosis" I tell them. After what seemed like forever the doctor calls me back in. "I have discussed with the ENT and we are diagnosing you with a blast injury most likely a tertiary injury, we are going to give you a hearing aid to use when you are going to crowded places, I need to make a mold of your ear so we can make sure it will fit, the ENT has sent your audiogram to people who will make the hearing aid" she tells me. After the mold of my ear is done she tells me the hearing aid should be done by tomorrow morning which is very fast. I thank her and walk out to Nat and Maria. "I'm getting a hearing aid for when I go somewhere crowded" I tell them. "That's good it means you will be able to hear everyone" Maria says. "Hey don't worry my friend Clint wears a hearing aid all the time and he says he forgets its actually on him" Nat tells me. "I'm not worried I'm excited, it means I can hear again" I say. "Y/n my friend is having a Christmas party soon, would you like to come? There will be some people from around shield and some of his friends that none of us even know, maria will be there" Nat says. "Oh sure, when is it?" I ask. "It's tomorrow night" she tells me. "okay, I need to go shopping to find something to wear" I say. "That's a good idea mind if we join Nat and I have been in need of something new to wear" maria asks. "Sure I don't see why not" I say. "Great why don't we go now? We are all free" maria suggests, me and Nat nod. Nat begs us to take her car, God I was not looking forward to this car ride, Nat is a horrible driver I mean she is safe but drives above any speed limit. We arrive at the mall and start looking around. We all split up and decide to meet up for a coffee at Costa at 16:45. I go off and look in a few shops, I find blue trousers and decide to buy them. I then buy a black shirt with sleeves that are rolled up to just under my elbows. I look at the time and see I still have 15ish minutes. I wander round and come across a lingerie shop, I stared in the window looking at the manikins with the lingerie on, debating if I should go buy some, I decided to go in. I immediately start getting nervous and probably looked like a creep. "Hello ma'am can I help you?" I hear a woman say. "Oh I was just looking, like not in a creepy way I meant like I was looking at them then choosing which one I liked before buying it" I say. "First time?" she asks. "Yes" I reply. "Go with that one its comfy and would look good on you" she says winking and points to a black set of bra and panties. "Right thank you" I say. I quickly buy it then shove it into a bag before hurrying out of the shop. I make my way to Costa. I see Maria outside waiting for us. "Hey" I say. "Hi Nat is just finishing buying something and will be here soon, oh never mind here she comes".  We all go inside and order, Nat and maria get black coffee I grab a smoothie, we pay and sit down at a table. "So how was everyones shopping trips?" Nat asks. "It was good" me and Maria say. "So y/n I saw you go into a certain shop" Nat tells me with a big smirk plastered on her face, I start choking on my smoothie. "Really that's amazing which one?" I say. "It doesn't matter" she says. God she 100% saw me go into the lingerie shop. We finish up and they drop me home. I walk in and see everyone eating dinner, I'm not hungry so I decide to skip. I say goodnight to everyone before going to bed earlier than usually knowing that I need to wake up earlier to collect my hearing aid.

The next dayyyy

I wake up and quickly get dressed into some jeans and a top. I rush downstairs and put shoes on. "where are you off to?" miss Wood asks. "I'm going into shield today" I tell her. "Didn't you go yesterday?".   "I did but I finished a report and need to hand it in" I lie. "Also tonight I'm going to a party, I know don't drink alcohol, don't do drugs or anything like that, it's a grown up party so there wouldn't be anything like that anyway well apart from the drinks, maria will be there" I tell her. "Okay make sure your phone is charged so I can phone you" she says. "Okay I'll be home soon so I can get ready" I tell her before going out to catch the bus. I get to shield and make my way to the medical unit, when I get there I see Nat and Maria standing. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "We are here for you making sure are alright" Nat says. We wait in the waiting room until I get called in, the doctor eventually called me and I walked into the office. She makes sure the hearing aid fits and makes sure it's working. After a few tests she gives me a small box to put the hearing aid in if I'm not using it. I thank her and leave, "So is everything okay now?" Maria asks. "Yeah thank you for making me come here" I say before hugging them both. "Well I should be going home to go get ready for tonight" I say to them. "Yeah I'm probably going to do the same" Nat says. I say goodbye before going to the bus.

Ngl motivation is flowing through me rn, I honestly might write and post another chapter today.

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