chapter 11

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Natashas POV:


My heart feels like its been ripped out of my chest. "Okay, we respect your decision" Maria says smiling sadly.

"Wait let me explain" "No you don't have to its fine" Maria tells her. "It's not that I don't want too, I would love to be adopted by you two but I can't leave Lauren, I promised her that I would stay with her"

"Then we will also adopt her" I blurt out, they both looked at me equally shocked. "No natasha you don't have too do that"

I look up at Maria and she nods. "We want to" a bright smile appears on her face. She pulls both Maria and I into a hug. "Thank you" she whispers.

We pull away and Maria has watery eyes. She rubs them which make tears fall down her face. "You okay?" I ask her. She nods and leans into me.

"We are going to need to look for a house" she announces. "You two don't have one?"
Y/n asks. "No we both have apartments but it's only got one room" I answer.

Our pod on the ferris wheel stops at the bottom and we get out. We start to feel a few raindrops, it starts to pour down. "Jeez where did this come from" I hear Maria yell.

A strong wind picks up and mixes with the rain. I grab the two of them and made sure we huddle together. I pull them over to a sheltered area.

The rain doesn't go away for a while, there is eventually a small gap of no rain so we quickly run to the car, just as we get in it starts pouring again.

Y/n's POV:

"Well that was definitely an adventure" Maria says turning the car on. We leave the park and she drives us to a small cafe. There were lots of people there, I could see Nat scouting out for a table.

Maria buys us all ice cream, I got strawberry cheesecake, Maria got mine chocolate chip and natasha got pistachio. Ew, that's such a strange flavour. "Hey, there is a table by the window, do you mind getting it?" Natasha asks me. I nod and walk over sitting down at the table.

They come over after paying with the ice creams, "we got you an apple juice, is that okay?" Maria asks. "That's fine, thank you"

Nat sits next to me and Maria sits infront. "Did you enjoy your first amusement park? I know I did" natasha says drinking her coffee . "It was so fun! Thank you again"

They smile at eachother. "Hey Nat!" We hear someone shout. We look over and see a brunette girl, it's the one from the party. What was her name again? Wendy? Yes it was Wendy!

She walks over with a small cup of what looks like tea. "You mind if I sit with you guys?" She asks. Nat and Maria both look at me, I nod. "Of course"

She slowly sits down, no one talks so I decide to speak up. "So Wendy, how has your day been?" I ask looking at her.

She looks at me confused, Maria and Natasha start laughing. Now I look at everyone confused. "Unfortunately I don't know how Wendy's day is, but wandas day is going fairly well" she says laughing.

I feel my face go red in embarrassment, I mutter a small sorry. "It's perfectly okay, how was your day?" She asks with a perfect smile on her face.

"It has been amazing". Her smile could light up the whole world. I gaze at her until a waving hand infront of my face snaps me out of my trance.

"Sorry to wake you up from your day dream, Wanda asked you a question" Nat says nudging me.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I ask taking a sip of juice. "I was wondering if you were dating anyone?"

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