Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV:

Today was Halloween and everyone was excited in the house. I mean very excited. This morning I was sound asleep and Lauren decided to get some of the other kids to try and scare me. It started with Lauren shaking me violantly so I would wake up, she then claimed that there was a spider in her room, so I go to her room and find nothing there, I returned to my room and the kids jumped out of my closet and screamed which scared the shit out of me. I realised that I was supposed to have training today, so I decided to Email Agent hill to inform her that I wouldn't be attending today. I helped the kids put on thier costumes and scary makeup. We did some Halloween activities through the day until dinner. After dinner me and Miss Wood all took them trick or treating. When we returned home the kids had so many sweets, they all washed and I put them all to bed. When I was coming down the stairs I could hear  miss Wood talking to someone. I got to the living room and saw Agent Hill sitting talking to her. "Y/n a friend of yours is here to see you" Miss Wood says delighted. "Yeah my friend. How about me and my friend go have a little chat upstairs hmm" I say dragging Hill up the stairs and into my bedroom. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Your room is a bit boring you should lighten it up more" she says looking around. "I asked you a question, what are you doing here?" I ask once again. "You missed training" she replies. "Yes I Emailed you about it, I had to help Miss Wood out with the others" I tell her. "3 am tomorrow you will be training with me to make up for it" she says. "3 am!?"   "Yes kid, well i should be going" she says and walks out my room. I walk down stairs and see she already left. "Your friend is nice" miss Wood says. "No I don't like her" I yell. I go back upstairs and set an alarm for around 1:30 am. This made sure I could get there on time. I fall asleep for a while until the blaring of my alarm wakes me up. I'm to tired for this. I get dressed into the suit, I really need to modify this soon. I slip on a hoodie and put shoes on before walking to the bus stop. I recently have been taking the bus so it means I have more energy and it takes less time. When I get off I walk to the headquarters. I walk in and see Hill talking with Romanoff. Don't these people need sleep? "Y/n your slightly early good go get ready in the gym, Natasha will be training you today I have been called in for a briefing" Hill yells. Great I'm probably going to walk out of here with a messed up face. I go get ready in the gym and wait for Romanoff or Natasha to come in. "You ready" I hear someone say. "Yup" I say. I get up and into fighting positions. Romanoff throws a punch and I catch it and kick her in the stomach. We go between punching and catching eachother. "I'm sorry for making your nose bleed a few days ago" she says. I don't reply. "Your parents they died" I hear her say. "Yes" I say between punches. "Do you miss them?" she asks. "Of course I do, they were one of the most kindest people and a dunk asshole drove a car into them killing them, it wasn't fair" I tell her. "I'm sorry" she says. "For what?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders. "Alright".  We continue for what seems like forever until she stops for a water break. "How old were you when they died?" she suddenly asks. "I was 10".  "No one wanted to adopt you?". "Nope, a couple of people were supposedly interested in adopting me, but nothing ever came through" I tell her, she comes over and gives me the most awkwardest hug. "It's okay" she whispers. "Right you're kind of scaring me now" I say peeling her off. "Sorry, so Maria has been talking with Fury and you might be going on your first mission soon, it will obviously be with a superior" she says happily. "Really?!" I say excitedly. She nods "Just keep up your training kid and you'll be there in no time, well I think we should end this session today, do you have a ride?" she asks. "I will catch the bus" I say. "No I'll give you a ride and it's not up for discussion" she says and we then make our way to her very expensive car. I give her the directions and we drive home. We don't talk until we get there. "Well today was something, thank you for driving me home" I say. "It's no problem goodbye" she says. I get out and wave quickly before sneaking inside. I take my shoes of and then a light turns on. "Care to tell me where you were" I hear a familiar voice say. "Fuck".   "Yeah fuck, now tell me where you were" Miss Wood whisper yelled. "I was out for a walk" I say trying to convince her. "Don't lie and what are you wearing" she says. I look down and see that I left my hoodie somewhere so my uniform is showing. "it's a new outfit I bought" I tell her. "Stop lying to me, just tell me the truth please" she says. "fine this is going to sound ridiculous, I joined an organisation called shield and I train with them at 6pm Monday to Friday and I missed a session because of Halloween so I had to make up for it today" I tell her, she starts to laugh and I stay serious. "Oh you're not joking" she says as her laugh dies down. "It's nothing bad I might have to go away for a few days sometimes" I tell her., she takes a deep breath. "You better be careful y/n, promise you will be careful". "I will be careful I promise" i tell her. "Good now, get to sleep you can skip breakfast but you will be down for lunch" she demands. Thank god it was Saturday I would have fallen asleep during class if it was any other day. I get a few hours of sleep before waking up from Miss Wood. "Y/n your friend and a man with an eyepatch is downstairs" she tells me. "I'll be down in a minute".
I get up and dress to look slightly suitable knowing who is downstairs. I walk down and see them sitting with Lauren. "Y/n your nice friends are here" Lauren yells. "Yeah I can see that, how about you go see Rubon he misses you so much" I say. She runs upstairs and I sit opposite them. "Rubon?" Hill asks. "Pet frog I saved from being murdered" I tell her, Fury then clears his throat gaining both of our attentions. "L/n, Agent Hill and Agent Romanoff have been watching you closely, we have all agreed that you will be going on your first mission, you will be accompanied by both Hill and Romanoff, listen to thier instructions and try not to mess up" he says seriously. "Sorry sir but why so early? I've only been training for a month" I ask. "I'm not sure L/n but thier is something special about you, here are the details" he says and gives me a file.

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