chapter 13

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Y/n's POV:

I'm being adopted, something I didn't think would ever happen. I should be happy, but I was so suppose to be with Lauren.

I lay on Maria's lap and she plays with a few strands of my hair. I close my eyes for a bit.  "Hey, y/n, we need to leave, visiting hours are over" I hear natasha whisper.

I open my eyes, and sit up. "I'm just going to say goodbye" I get up and walk into miss woods room, she's asleep, her chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm. I walk over to her resting body and sit in the chair next to her.

"I hope you get better, I'll make sure to visit you, goodbye" I whisper before squeezing her hand. I leave the room and see both Nat and Maria standing waiting.

"Are you ready?" I nod and we walk out the hospital. "Do you want to come to the compound tonight? I'll get Tony to make you a room", I look at natasha, "yes please" I practically whisper.

She smiles and squeezes my shoulder, we make it to the car, natasha made a call and we drove to the compound. Maria helped me to the room, "There aren't any clothes, I'll be right back I've got some in my old room" she hurries out.

I look around at the room, it's quite boring, I honestly wasn't expecting much. It's a bed with a bedside table and a closet in the corner. I sit on the bed looking at the blank walls. Moments later Maria comes back with some clothes.

"Here is some shorts and a shield tshirt, they will probably be a bit big but it's something for you to wear". I smile at her,"thank you" I take the clothes off her. She turns around and I quickly get changed.

She was right they were a bit big on me, but it was comforting. She turns around and takes my old clothes and neatly folds them, then places them on the bedside table. Natasha comes in, she smiles softly.

She nods towards the bed, I hop in and wrap the covers around me. Both her and Maria sit on either side of me, "Have a goodnights sleep detka" natasha says, then kisses my forehead. Maria also kisses my head, they walk to the door way and look at me one last time before switching the lights off then closes the door.

I stare up at the dark ceiling for possibly hours. After lots of tossing and turning I fall into somewhat of a slumber.

Natashas POV:

After helping y/n to bed me and Maria head into the compounds livingroom. "We need to sort the housing issue", "agreed".

We get comfy on one of the couches, I get my phone out and we start searching for houses near here. There were a couple of potential good looking ones, we agreed that we are going to view some of them.

After booking appointments for them, I turn my phone off and fully snuggle into Maria. "Do you think she's going to be okay?" She asks me. "Yes, it will be rough at first, but she's strong, she'll get over it"

I close my eyes, "love you masha" she smiles and strokes my hair. "Love you too nat". I fall asleep before her, her hold around me is tight, it feels like she will never let me go.

I wake up before Maria, her face is nestled in one of the cushions. I smile before prying myself from her, and escape to the kitchen. Now my cooking skills aren't amazing, but I'll at least try to cook a decent meal for them.

I decide to make some dippy eggs and soldiers, because who doesn't like that, plus it's relativly simple. I boil the water and slowly place the eggs in the pot, as that boils I put toast in the toaster and wait. The toast pops and I butter it up then cut it into long slices. The timer goes off and I take the eggs put, grabbing the egg cups then placing them In the cups.

I let then sit for a minute or two before cutting the tops off. I take Maria's first since she was closest, I place it on the glass table before crouching down infront of her. "Hey masha time to wake up" I kiss her forehead. Her eyes slowly open, and she breaks into a smile. "Good morning natty". "Good morning ria, I made breakfast".

Her smile fades, "Oh god" I smack her shoulder lightly. She sits up and takes the plate onto her lap, she dips the toast into the egg yolk. "I'm surprised you didn't burn the toast" I roll my eyes before getting up. "Does it taste okay?"

"It tastes good natty" smiling I make my way to the kitchen and pick up y/ns plate. I make my way to her room and slowly peak my head through her door. It doesn't seem like she's awake, I place the plate on on the bedside table, then I sit down on her bed next to her. I stroke her face, "y/n, time to wake up" it takes a few tries but she eventually gets up. I give her the food and she scoffs it up.

"Thank you" she whispers, I smile at her then take the plate away. "Go have a shower and I'll get you some clothes to wear" she nods before heading towards the shower. Before grabbing some of my clothes for her I take her plate to the kitchen and wash it. I give her some joggers and a shield sweatshirt.

Me and Maria get dressed and once exiting our room we see she's in the livingroom. "Hey sweetie" Maria brings her into a hug. "We have a few viewings of houses today, would you like to come?"

She nods, "I'll get the car started" Maria tells us and walks out. "You don't have to come if you don't want to" I tell her.

"No, I want to". "Okay, come on we don't want to keep Maria waiting, she can get a bit antsy". She smiles and we walk to the car.

I was in a happy mood. Anyways its not been rechecked so there will be mistakes beasties. Slay beasties

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