chapter 16

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Maria's POV:

Natasha rushes out the room, her face was chalk white. I squeeze y/n's hand before chasing after her, it didn't take me long, her head was in the bin throwing up whatever she had eaten before.

I stand behind her, one hand holding her soft hair back the other was rubbing her back comforting her. "Let it all out". Once she had finished she slowly turned to look at me, her eyes were red and glassy. "I don't know what to do masha".

She leans her forehead on my shoulder, "We just need to give her time, then we can talk to her about it, properly, and give a full explanation. But as of right now you need to stay away from her, she needs to process this, and once she has calmed down you can talk to her".

"It's not fair, everything was going fine". "I know honey", "You should probably go back and make sure she's okay", I pull her into a tight hug. "Yeah, I'll give you updates, okay? Now how about you take a long relaxing shower and I'll catch up with you later"

She nods and slowly pulls away from me, "hey, I love you". She looks up at me, a smile form's, a real smile. "Yeah? Well I kind of love you too hill".

I roll my eyes and proceed back to y/n's room, before walking in I spot a certain girl hiding behind a wall. "You can come out wanda" Slowly she tip toes out from behind the concrete.

"She's awake. Would you like to see her?" She silently nods. I tightly smile at her, "okay" She walks over nervously and looks through the window at her, she hesitantly opens the door and slips in. I watch their interaction from behind the door.

Wanda's POV:

I look at her resting not knowing if I should retreat out the room or wait for her to wake up again. "I don't bite" she whispers with a smirk appearing on her face. "I thought you fell asleep again".

"No just resting my eyes" I walk over and sit down next to her. "How are you feeling?". She looks at me before answering, "I'm alright" My head tilts at her lie. "Honestly I'm fine wendy" I roll my eyes at the name.

"What about you? You got pretty beat up". My injuries were treated properly and I didn't really feel them anymore apart from a couple dark bruises which are starting form. "I'm feeling alright as well".

I study her face, there was something off. "Penny for your thoughts?". She breaks eyecontact, "I found out who killed my parents". Wow, I'm suddenly speechless. I try and conjure up something to comfort her but nothing really came.

"It was Natasha" double whammy. "Oh" I breathe out. "I'm just so angry Wanda, she new all this time and didn't anything, what's worse is she became my friend and wanted to adopt me. You know its almost like I'm in that show 'Dead to me'".

"Dead to me?". "Yeah, you know about the two gals, Judy and jen, the whole storyline for the first season is that Judy killed Jens husband and ended up becoming friends with jen, but Judy's ex fiancée is telling Judy to not tell jen that she killed her husband"

"Yeah, never heard of it. But you know it does sound slightly similar to what you are going through, but at the same time it doesn't.". She doesn't reply. "Have you spoken to Natasha?" 

"No.. but i did shout at her to get out the room". "Maybe you should talk to Natasha, I'm not expecting you to now, you should be taking in the news, but soon, you should hear her side of the story, just remember Nat didn't grow up like a normal person".

She nods acknowledging what I have said, "well I should go, if I stay any longer I think Maria will bash the door down", "Goodbye Wanda, and thank you" I squeeze her hand before leaving.

"Is everything alright" Maria asks as I shut the door. "Yeah, she's a bit upset with Natasha but I told her she should see nats side of the story and hopefully she will be up to talking with her soon". "Thank you Wanda" She gives me that tight smiles again.

Maria's POV:

Wanda walks away which gives me a chance to talk to y/n alone. I knock the door before entering, "Hey, just wondering if you need anything", She shakes her head, "I'm okay just now, but thank you".

"Are you mad at me?" I look at her shocked. "No of course not, why would you say that?". "Just, about how I treated Natasha by telling her to get out".

"No, you were- still angry, which you are allowed to be, maybe it wasn't the best way to approach the situation but you weren't thinking right". "Wanda said I should talk to her and see what her thoughts are but I don't think I can do that yet".

"That's okay, take your time there is no rush, Natasha isn't going to disappear or suddenly hate you, you can take all the time you need". "Is she okay?". "Who Nat? Well she was a little shaken up but she will be fine".

I watch her as she tries to keep her eyes open and hide the yawns. "Okay, bedtime kid". I clap which alarms her, "sorry" I whisper. I prop up her pillows and make sure she has everything, "Okay, so pillows are propped up, you have blankets to keep you warm, the bathroom door is open, you have a cup of water if you are thirsty and you have a very damaged phone currently on charge beside you".

"Thank you Maria", " Have a good sleep kid, and if you need anything call me" I quickly kiss her forehead before turning the light off and leaving the room. My stomach rumbles alerting my hunger, that's right I haven't eaten in a while. I order some pizza I'm sure Nat would want some, it doesn't take long for it to arrive as there is a pizzeria not far from here.

I pick it up and make my way to nats room, I knock before entering. "Hey I brought. Really?". I quickly finish my sentence, Nat was also standing holding a box full of pizza. "Well as they say two great minds think alike". "I suppose they do".

I place mine on her desk, "How are you feeling?". She has her back turned so I can't read her emotions, but she shrugs her shoulders. "I kept a big secret from my kid and now she hates me". I walk behind her and wrap my arms around her, "Everything is going to be okay, I promise, as I said before she just needs time, she told me she wants to wait a bit before talking to you, but she wants to hear your story".

I watch as a tear rolls down her cheek, "hey, no crying, now are you going to help me eat all this pizza?". "It's a lot of pizza are you sure we can eat it all". "Clearly you haven't met me".

Y/n's POV:

Once Maria left I haven't been able to sleep, I can feel how tired I am and the heaviness of my eyes but I just can't sleep. I huff before grabbing my phone, I hadn't realised how cracked it was.

I click on Maria getting ready to text her, but someone else comes to mind.

I have summond you

Wanda 👹
Shouldn't you be asleep?

Yeah.. but I can't and I would like some company

Wanda 👹
Hmm I'll be there in a minute

Thank you 🙃

The door swings open revealing Wanda herself dressed in fluffy pink jammies. "Wow". "Do not judge, they are comfy and its very cold, these warm me up"  I giggle which then leads me to receive a slap on the arm. I move over and slam her into the bed with me.

Mine and wanda's conversation doesn't go on for long, her voice starts to go more quiet and my eyes shut drawing myself into a sleep.

You don't understand how raging I am I HAVE A KIDNEY INFECTION AND ITS GOING TO GO ON FOR OVER CHRISTMAS, ugh anyways beasties its been a while... and it's Christmas is 2 days so I hope you all have a good Christmas and if you don't celebrate Christmas then have a good day. 😊

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