Chapter 3

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Y/n's POV:

It's been a few days since Lauren left, I have started going back to school. Today was my first day of training at shield. When miss Wood asked me where I was going I had to make an excuse, so I told her I was going to Peters. I got out the door and started walking, it already started to get dark. I got there faster and had 10 minutes to spare. I decided that I was going to try and find where the stupid uniforms were. "Agent L/n you're early" I hear someone say, I turn and see Agent Hill. "oh hello I was looking for your silly costumes" I say. She raises an eyebrow and asks me to walk with her. We get to a little locker room and on the side of a bench was a uniform. "Do I really have to wear it? It looks so uncomfortable" I say. "Yes L/n you have to wear it, if you want to take it home and make adjustments to it you can just make sure not to change it to much" she tells me. She leaves and let's me get changed, I put the uniform on and I already hate it, its so tight, I mean it makes my butt look really good, but I feel very uncomfortable in it. Definitely going to take it home. I get out and see Hill standing. "Ready?" she asks. I nod and she takes me to a room full of mats, there were other recruits there, she told me they were going to be older but they were at least in there late 20s. She starts to pair us up, unluckily for me she pairs me up with a man who is twice the size of me and looks like he could crush me. Hill starts demonstrating different moves and we were going to practise on eachother. I let him go first which was a big mistake, everytime he flips me over I swear I hear cracks and clunks in my body. I managed to take him down a few times which I was very impressed about.  We train for hours until Hill dismissed us. "L/n stay behind for a second" she yells. I walk over and she tells me to sit. "You did good today, I was very impressed that you took him down" she tells me. "Thank you".  I realise I was sweating a gross amount. "I never told you when we are training, it's Monday to Friday all at 6. If there is a change I will email you" she says and pats my back before leaving. By the time I get to the locker room everyone else has already left, I get changed into normal clothes and fold my suit and carry it with me. I get out and it's pitch black, great better be careful. I walk home in an hour. I get in the house and immediately go and have a hot shower. Everything hurts. I got into bed and had a long sleep.

When I woke up I saw that it was 1pm. I got up and went down stairs. I quickly realised that no one was home. On the fridge there was a note from Miss Wood saying that they were all out to get food shopping. I opened the fridge and grabbed a yogurt. I walked out and saw a man with an eye patch. "Ah Agent L/n nice to finally meet you, Agent Hill has told me good things about you" he says. "She has?" I say, just after Hill comes through the door. "Nice place you got here" she says. "I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but who are you?" I ask, he starts laughing. "Who am I? Who am I? Child I'm director of Shield, Fury" he says. I look at him blankly. "Right... Furry what are you doing here?" I ask. "It's Fury and I just wanted to see what my future Agents look like" he says "We have done a background check on you L/n, we are sorry about your parents and I'm sorry for accusing you of being with Hydra I was upset at something the same day and I let my emotions take control" Hill says. "It's okay" I say smiling. "Well it was nice meeting you L/n I'll see you around" Fury says and walks out the door along with Hill. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. I go upstairs and let the tears fall. My parents died when I was 10, I was told they were in a car crash that a drunk driver caused. They so kind and gentle and yet they were taken away from this world. I could hear the door open then close, I quickly wipe my tears and go downstairs to help. I carry the bags in and put the food where it is supposed to go.

A few days later I was training with everyone. Today I was partnered with a girl called Velma she very good at attacking but needed to work on defending. Near the end Hill was called out and she told us to keep going and that she would send someone to continue training us. When she left me and Velma started fighting, eventually I took her down. "How do you always get me on the floor?" she asks. "You need to work on your defending" I say and help her up. "Watch, your opponent could attack at any angle, so put your arms up so your eyes are level with your hands, if I attack from the right or left you can use your hands to block, then there is just moving out the way where you litteraly move the opposite direction they are throwing the punch in" I say. "Thanks" she says. "L/n come here" I hear someone shout. I walk up to the lady and realise its the red head that attacked me before. "Arms up and get ready to fight, I'm going to attack you and you are going to defend yourself" she says. I nod and she immediately throws a punch which I deflect. So far we have learned throws and punches nothing to do with kicks. Of course she decides to kick me in the ribs hard, that's gonna leave a bruise. She tries again and I catch her foot and swipe underneath her making her hit the mat. She looks up to me shocked and I could hear some people gasp. "Again" she says slightly angry. I get up and she starts throwing punches and I dodge them, I can tell I was getting tired, I suddenly felt a fist clash with my face and I fall over. I go onto my hands and knees and see blood dripping on the floor, I wipe my nose and see its bleeding a lot. "ouch" I say. I get off the floor and see everyone staring at us. She decides to dismiss me early to go get cleaned up. After getting cleaned I grab my bag and walk out into the reseption. I could see Hill and a few other Agents crowing something. I get closer and realise its a kid crying, not just any kid Lauren. "Lauren?" I say loud enough for everyone to hear. They all turn and look at me. Lauren sees me and runs very fast and hugs my legs. I get down on my knees and hug her tight, I then get a look at her face and see its bruised. "Laur how did you do this?" I ask. "They did it" she says. "Who did sweetie?".  "The people I left with" she says. "Don't worry you won't have to go back, you're safe now" I say. "You said you wouldn't leave me" she says. "I know but I didn't have a choice" I tell her. "L/n is everything alright?" Hill asks. "Kind of, Lauren is from my orphanage but got adopted last week and has been getting abused by them, so I'm taking her back" I say. "Alright, what happened to your nose?" she says. "The red head got angry after I kicked her ass" I said. She nods then walks away. I put Lauren on my shoulders and walk home.

Maria Hills POV:

I go to speak to Natasha, she went to far with Y/n today. "Nat can I speak to you?" I ask. She nods and comes over. "Why did you punch y/n in the nose? You and me both know that was too far" I say. "I don't know" she tells me looking at the floor. "Look at me, what do you mean you don't know why". She looks up and has tears in her eyes. "I don't know why I did it, I already ruined her life" she says now crying. "Hey no, you punched her nose I don't think you ruined her life" I say hugging her. "No Masha, I remembered everyone I killed in the red room, and her parents I killed them" she tells me. "Catherine and Richard L/n before I killed them they begged me, they begged me not to because they wanted to see thier little girl grow up, it was so horrible Maria, they were my last before I escaped" she says. "Hey its okay, she doesn't know, she thinks they were in a car accident, you were being controlled Natty it's not your fault" I tell her.

Hey dolls
Another chapter out. I honestly don't know much about punching and kicking, I mean a few years ago I took Karate but honestly I forgot litteraly everything. Lauren has made an appearance, I wasnt going to put her in this chapter but a late decision happened and here we are.
Anyway bye beasties

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