Chapter 2

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Y/n's POV:

I get thrown in a truck with two guards sitting beside me. After a long ride of silence we stop, I could hear people talking outside but it was muffled. The door opens and the two woman were standing there with guns pointed at me. One of the guards push me out and start patting me. "Make sure to check her pockets we don't want a repeat of last time" the brunette says. I don't have anything except my phone on me. The guard takes it out and gives it to her. We start walking and they put me in an interrogation room. "Can I call someone quickly? I'm pretty sure I'm intitled to one, since you know you took me to goodness knows where" I say. They look at me kind of shocked. The brunette throws my phone on the table "You have 3 minutes" she says. I quickly pick my phone up and call Miss Wood. "Y/n what do you want I'm a bit busy" she says. "I don't think I'll be home today, these people are accusing me of being in some sort of group and I'm now once again handcuffed to a table" I say. "where are you?" she says. "I don't know, can you just tell Lauren that I'm sorry and that I'll be home soon" I ask. "Y/n tell me whe-" she says before I hang up on her. I look up and hand her the phone back. She sits down opposite me and stares. "We can help you" she says. "With what?" I ask. "We can get you out, just tell us what we want to know, it's that simple".  "Look you better really listen ma'am, I'm not part of this group, I don't know anything" I yell, she then hums. "Can you fight?" she asks. "Barely I can punch and kick" I say. "Join S.H.I.E.L.D".  "Sorry?".   "You heard me" she says. "I don't even know what that is" I say. "We go against Hydra" she tells me. "You are really going to have to explain this to me" I say. "I will once you accept my offer, you will be trained along with other recruits they will be a lot older than you and capable of more" she says. "wow that really makes me want to join" I say. "You will get paid, your medical bills will be covered and it's a big opportunity".  "fine I'll join, do I need to sign something" I ask. A person comes in and hands me a pen and a contract. I start to read the contract just to make sure they haven't screwed me over. "What are you doing?" she asks. "I'm reading the contract" I say before signing it. "Welcome aboard Agent L/n I'm Agent Hill and I'll be working along side you" she says and shakes my hand. "Do I have to wear that ridiculous costume?" I ask. "Yes it's mandatory" she says. Damn they look hideous. "When do I start the thingy?".  "You will start Friday 6pm. You are training with the second group, so it doesn't interrupt your school" she replies. She walks me to the front and then leaves claiming she has business to attend to.

I ended up walking all the way home which took just over an hour. I open the door and walk in to see everyone eating. "Y/n!" Lauren yells and hugs my legs. "Miss Wood said you weren't coming home today" she says. "Yeah well there was a slight change of plan" I tell her. Miss Wood comes in and when she sees me she frowns slightly. "Hey how about you go eat your dinner and I'll be over in a minute" I say. I walk with Miss Wood into the kitchen and she shuts the door. "You're back, I have news you aren't going to like" she says. "okay?".  "Someone is looking to adopt Lauren" she tells me. "What, please tell me that's not true" I say. "I'm sorry, you and me both know she can't stay here forever" she says and gives me a hug, I try my best to hold my tears in but a few escape and I quickly wipe them. "When do they come?" I ask. "They have been looking at her for weeks, and will be here to collect her tomorrow" she says. I nod and take a deep breath before going to sit down for dinner. I sit there watching Lauren eat, "Aren't you going to eat Y/n?" Lauren asks. "I'm not to hungry right now Laur" I reply. After dinner I collect everyone's plate and take it to the kitchen. I go and get Lauren and take her to my bedroom. "What are we doing? I need to go to bed for school tomorrow" she says. "Tonight we are going to forget  you have school and we are going to watch Beauty and the Beast your favourite" I tell her. Her eyes light up and she sits in my lap. Half way through the movie she falls asleep and I tuck her in beside me and I fall asleep with her. I wake up and decide not to go to school today because it would mean I wouldnt get to say goodbye to Lauren. I get up and go downstairs and see Lauren sitting with Miss Wood on the couch. I join them and we talk for a while before miss Wood goes upstairs and comes back with a suitcase. Someone knocks the door and my heart starts to hurt knowing who is behind the door. A middle aged couple come in and start smiling when they see Lauren. "Hi Lauren, you are going to come stay with us now" the man says getting down to her level. "I don't want to" Lauren says and hides behind my legs. "Lauren come out please, you will have so much fun with them that you will completely forget about us" Miss Wood says. "No! I don't want to go, I want to stay here with y/n!" she shouts. Miss Wood looks up at me trying to get me to help. "Laur this is going to be your new family, they are going to give you anything you want and you are going to be very happy with them" I say. "No! You said you wouldn't leave me and now you want me to go with these people" she yells. Tears start rolling down my cheek. "Lauren you need to go now" I say. "Please I don't want to" she says now crying. The man comes and takes her hand and starts pulling her away, they leave the house and close the door. Miss Wood comes and hugs me and I start crying into her shoulder.

It's a short chapter today. Honestly giving me flashbacks of my dad leaving LMAO. Anyway don't worry little Lauren will be back unlike my dad (see what I did there 😉)
Anyway hope you're having a good day
Bye beasties

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