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It was the first day of classes, which meant that we were all back to getting up early. Maggie had to be practically dragged out of bed, but she somehow still managed to get breakfast and make it to Defense Against the Dark Arts on time, while looking amazing.

Emmeline and I have potions together, the first class of the day. It seems like one of the most boring classes to have so early in the morning, but at least I have her.

The dungeons were chilly as I walked into the Potions classroom with Emmeline, just on time. We both greeted Professor Slughorn and found two empty seats towards the back of the classroom.

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered.

Sitting directly in front of us was Regulus Black and Evan Rosier.

Regulus heard me and turned around. "Don't look too excited to see me, McKinnon."

"Oh please, I would rather swim with an Inferi."

Evan Rosier clutched his hand over his heart dramatically. "Ouch, you're feisty today."

I could see Emmeline roll her eyes at the pair right beside me. She opened her mouth to say something then decided against it, staying quiet.

I saw Barty Crouch Jr. and Emma Vanity seated on the other side of the classroom, both smirking devilishly.

Before we could argue anymore, Professor Slughorn began speaking.

"Welcome to Advanced Potions," He begun. "You will be learning to brew some of the most complicated and difficult potions in my class this year."

I spent the rest of class staring at the back of Regulus Black's head, trying to light his hair on fire with my mind, but unfortunately failing.

- - - - -

September 6th, 1978

The day that I had been dreading all week was finally here. It was on the second day back to classes, but I was not having it.

First off, Regulus Black and his crony were in my Potions class, and Regulus was in my History of Magic class.

Having two classes with him is manageable, but the fact that I have to spend an additional hour in the middle of the night with him twice a week is not manageable.

I stood waiting for him outside the entrance to the Great Hall.

The entire castle was eerily quiet, making me feel uneasy.

When the clock went off, signaling that it was now midnight, I sighed annoyed.

Soon enough, the sound of footsteps appeared in the corridor, echoing off of the stone walls. Regulus Black appeared, looking annoyed as well.

"You're late," I stated, pushing off from the wall.

"Barely," He replied, "Let's just get started so that we can both leave."

I clicked my tongue, "Fine."

We started walking in silence, the only sound being our shoes on the cobblestone floor.

We had been given the first floor, meaning that we were the only two people in sight. The other Prefects were either on the other floors of the castle, or off duty.

"I still can't figure out why Dumbledore made you Head Boy," I commented, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

Regulus exhaled loudly, "I could say the same thing, McKinnon. Why would Dumbledore make you Head Girl? Although, I guess it's more acceptable than Potter being Head Boy."

I brushed off his comment about James. "Because I'm almost always top of my class," I suggested, "I'm on the quidditch team, and I don't put up with you and your friends' bullshit. Still doesn't explain why you're Head Boy."

"Because I'm almost always top of my class just like you, I'm on the quidditch team, but I'm a captain, and I actually know how to follow the rules," Regulus explained sarcastically.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Sorry, Black, but we all can't be submissive little pricks like you," I retorted.

"At least I'm not a blood traitor."

I shrugged, "At least I know how to stand up to my own parents."

In one quick motion, Regulus grabbed me by the waist and pressed me hard against the wall. My back collided with the cold stone wall, my heart beating out of my chest.

"Don't you dare talk about my family," Regulus muttered through clenched teeth. "You don't know a damn thing."

Despite my better judgement, I decided to take this even further.

I frowned at him, "Really? Because I think that you're a fucking coward. You talk all high and mighty about blood purity and preserving the bloodline, but in reality, you say what you have to say because you're too scared of your own mother."

Regulus let go of me, pushing off of me as he turned around and started back down the corridor. I rubbed the back of my head where it had hit the wall, and followed after him.

We were absolutely silent, as we rounded the corner into a more secluded corridor.

I glanced down at my watch to see that we still had half an hour together.


We spent the next fifteen minutes walking through the corridors of the first floor in utter silence.

Regulus was walking at least two steps ahead of me at all times, keeping his strides long, almost as if he was trying to put as much distance between us as possible.

I ran my hand across my hip where he had grabbed me, still feeling his cold, ring-clattered hands on me.

"You made me hit my head," I muttered.

Regulus didn't look at me, "Good."

"Merlin, you're such a little prick," I added.

"Hmm, are you sure about that?" Regulus teased, turning around this time.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, fuck you!"

"I know you want to."

I smacked him in the arm. "I do not, you better shut your mouth, Black."

Knocking his arm with my shoulder, I walked past him, back towards the entrance to the Great Hall since our patrol was almost over.

I tried to walk quickly to get away from him, but his legs are so long and his strides are so big that he easily caught up with me.

"You can't escape me, Meredith McKinnon," Regulus joked, "You're stuck with me all year."

I scoffed, "Oh, how delightful!"

We reached the Great Hall and I leaned back against the stone pillar as Regulus stood in front of me, glancing down at his watch.

"I guess I should protect my head in case you decide to slam me against a wall again," I said dryly.

Regulus just smirked at me.

Fucking prick.

We stood in the empty corridor outside the Great Hall, just waiting for our patrol to be officially over. I've only spent an hour with Regulus Black but I'm angry and want to go wack some bludgers to blow off some steam.

He looked at me up and down, and frowned.

"What?" I asked.

Regulus clicked his tongue, "Still couldn't figure out why you're Head Girl."

Before I could say something back, or scream at him, the clock rang, signalling the end of our patrol.

Regulus grinned and turned on his heel, walking back towards the dungeons.

I exhaled loudly, "That son of a bitch."

The Art of Dying - R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now