twenty five

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February 24th, 1979

"This is an awful idea."

Emmeline threw a pillow at Maggie, sitting her in the arm.

I stifled a laugh, watching them through the mirror.

"Seriously," Maggie continued, "I would've never thought that my two best friends would be going to Hogsmeade with Evan Rosier and Regulus Black."

I scoffed, "Hey, I'm only going for moral support."

"It's still a bit odd," Maggie added.

Our roommates had already left for Hogsmeade with their other friends or significant others. Maggie was going to meet her boyfriend, Rory Mitchell.

I turned away from the mirror and sat on the edge of my bed, putting on my shoes.

"You're lucky you don't have to see them shamelessly flirt with each other in potions," I said.

Emmeline's jaw dropped, "Oh, you're one to talk! You and Black are always making eyes at each other."

I blushed, suddenly becoming very interested in the laces of my shoes.

"That's a load of shite," I claimed.

Soon after, Emmeline and I left our dorm and found ourselves in the common room.

"What's got you two dressed up?" Thomas asked when Emmeline and I entered the common room.

Jack, who was sprawled out on the couch next to him, looked up. He raised an eyebrow.

"We're meeting people," Emmeline answered.

Thomas raised an eyebrow this time. "Who?"

I shrugged, "Just people."

"People or boys?" Jack asked.

"Why? Does it matter?" Emmeline responded.

Thomas shook his head, "No, not at all. Actually-, it depends who it is."

I rolled my eyes. "Bye boys, see you later."

Before they could say anything else, Emmeline and I left. We walked through the corridors, and I could tell that she was jittery-, in a good way. When we reached the courtyard, Regulus and Evan were already there, the former leaned up against a stone pillar.

He no longer had a sling around his shoulder. Madam Pomfrey cleared him last night, but he still has one week of off quidditch.

"Hey, Evan."

The blonde smiled at Emmeline. "Hey, Emmeline. You look great."

"Thanks," She said, blushing slightly.

"Black," I acknowledged, trying not to smile.

Regulus winked at me, "McKinnon."

"Alright, let's go, yeah?" Evan asked.

The four of us set off to Hogsmeade, Evan and Emmeline walking ahead of Regulus and I.

"I've missed you," Regulus said, bumping his arm against mine.

I smiled, "You saw me yesterday."

"Yeah, but I haven't actually seen you in a few days," Regulus suggested.

"Well, I've missed you too," I said.

We fell into a comfortable silence, listening into Evan and Emmeline's conversation. He would say something, she would laugh. She would say something, he would grin like an idiot.

The Art of Dying - R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now