forty two

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Note: Thank you for 10k reads!!! Here's some fluff for you guys.

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I was woken up by the sound of my roommates getting up and getting ready. They always try to be quiet, but it never works. I don't know how I'm going to get away with this if they're all still here by the time that Regulus wakes up.

I rolled over to face Regulus. His arm was wrapped tightly around my waist, his hair brushing against his forehead. I reached over and ran my fingers through his hair, brushing stray curls out of his face.

Regulus groaned, burying his face into my neck.

"Good morning, sunshine," I teased, my voice quiet.

"Morning," Regulus muttered, his voice raspy from sleep.

I heard the dormitory door open and close, leaving only the sound of Maggie and Emmeline's voices.

I traced my finger across the scar on his right shoulder. It had healed nicely, but there was still a thin white scar stretching across his shoulder blade.

"Has she got someone in bed with her?" I heard Maggie whisper.

Emmeline shushed her. "Maybe-, or maybe she's still sleeping," She replied.

Regulus smirked at me, sitting up slightly. "You're not very good whisperers," He called.

Maggie and Emmeline went silent, and I covered his mouth with my hand, making Regulus laugh as he fell back into bed beside me. "You're a git, you know that?" I muttered, pulling my hand away from his mouth.

"Holy shit," Maggie uttered.

I buried my face into his chest, cheeks red, while Regulus grinned at me.

"That explains a lot actually," Emmeline announced.

Regulus rolled his eyes, running his fingers through my hair.

"Well we're going to breakfast-," Maggie said, "I'll just tell the boys that you're still sleeping."

"Uh-, okay, bye," I replied, trying not to laugh.

Emmeline laughed, "Have fun!"

The dormitory door opened and shut once again, leaving Regulus and me alone.

I hit him in the bicep. "You are purposely trying to make my life harder," I joked.

Regulus grinned, pulling me into his side. "I, for one, thought it was hilarious," He admitted.

"Well now I'm going to have to explain the whole thing to them."

"No, not if you don't want to," Regulus said. "You can tell them whatever you like, Meredith."

I rolled my eyes up at him.

Regulus kissed my forehead, hands tracing absentmindedly down my back. "We should stay in bed all day," He suggested.

"You know that we can't do that," I replied.

"Why not?" Regulus asked. "Any big plans for today?"

I stuttered, "Well, no, but-"

"Perfect, we can stay here for a bit then."

Both of us laid in bed, a comfortable silence surrounding us. I had partially opened the curtains around my bed, letting the late morning sun in through the windows. The duvet was pulled up past our waists, our legs tangled beneath the sheets.

Regulus was only in his boxers, and I was in my underwear and a t-shirt that was far too big for me.

"What are you doing after this?" Regulus asked.

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