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By the time that I made it downstairs to the common room, for my own party, the music was blaring and people were milling about.

I had pregamed with the girls, so my whole body felt warm and I was in an insanely good mood.

I spotted Thomas over by the drinks table, and made my way over to him.

"There's the birthday girl," Thomas said, handing me a shot.

I cheered with him before throwing the shot back. The unfamiliar alcohol burned my throat and left a taste in my mouth.

"Merlin-, that is not firewhiskey," I groaned. "What is that?"

Thomas held up a bottle, showing me the label. "It's tequila, I brought it from home, and hid it under my bed," He explained, smiling.

Someone draped their arm across my shoulders, and I turned around to see that Jack had joined us with a drink in his hands.

"Hey, Jack," I chimed, looking up at him.

"Hey Tommy, Hey Meredith," He said, looking at the two of us.

Jack turned to face me, his gaze drifting past my shoulders, then back at me. He grinned, "You look nice, Mer."

"Thank you," I replied.

"Of course," Jack said. He kissed me on the cheek then reached around me to grab the bottle of tequila from Thomas's hand. "So, what're we drinking?"

Someone pushed past Jack, making him bump his hip on the corner of the table.


"Sorry, didn't mean to push you, mate."

Regulus stood between Jack and I, picking up bottles of alcohol from the table and examining them. He settled on firewhiskey, and poured himself a glass.

He turned to me and smiled. "Hi Meredith, happy birthday."

I glanced over his shoulder to see Jack rolling his eyes, and looking utterly pissed off.

"Hi Regulus, and thank you," I replied.

Regulus looked over at Thomas, then behind him at Jack. "Oh, hey Mackay, Trouche," He said sarcastically.

"Hello, Black," Thomas said, looking extremely confused.

Regulus glanced at Jack before looking back at me, leaning in closer. "So, I take it that you got the flowers I sent?" He asked.

My cheeks went red. I glanced over at Thomas, who looked even more confused.

"Wait-, why would you send her flowers?" Thomas questioned.

"Well, you see-"

"Regulus," I warned.

Regulus smiled, looking over at Thomas. "Just being friendly. We've got a reputation to keep, Head Boy and Girl, you know?"

"Okay, sure," Thomas replied.

"Yeah, you've definitely got a reputation to keep, Black," Jack added, his tone harsh.

Regulus just smirked, not saying anything.

He leaned in close, one hand on my hip, the other hand holding his drink. "I'll get to see you alone later, yeah?" Regulus asked, just loudly enough for Jack to hear.

I nodded, "Yes, I'll see you later."

Regulus backed away and smiled. "Bye boys," He announced, raising his drink.

He walked across the common room, joining Barty and Evan.

"What was that about?" Thomas asked, pouring himself another drink.

The Art of Dying - R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now