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The music coming from the Slytherin common room echoed throughout the dungeon. The closer you got, the louder the music became.

Standing guard outside the common room was none other than Evan Rosier.

"Nice to see you ladies," Evan cheered, "I see you brought your guard dogs." He gestured to Jack, Thomas, and Sam, who were walking close behind Maggie, Emmeline, and me.

Maggie raised an eyebrow at the sandy-haired boy. "Well are you gonna let us in, Rosier?" She asked.

"Oh, the redhead's feisty tonight," Evan teased, stepping aside to let us into the common room.

The music immediately got louder as we set foot into the Slytherin's lair.

I had only been in the Slytherin common room a handful of times throughout the past seven years.

The Slytherin common room was a long, underground room with rough stone walls and ceiling. Greenish lamps hung from the ceiling on chains, complimenting the black leather couches and carefully carved armchairs. Past the windows, you could see into the Black Lake, which looked eerily green in the dim light of the room.

Emmeline slipped away, towards the drink table, and returned with six shots of firewhiskey.

I took mine and we all cheered before I easily took the shot, throwing my head back.

When I set the shot glass down, I felt a pair of eyes on me from across the room.

I met Regulus Black's stormy gray eyes. His eyes were glassed over, his nose and cheeks pink. He held a cup of what looked like whiskey in his hand as Lucinda Talkalot whispered something into his ear.

Lucinda was gorgeous, there was no doubt about it. Dark brown skin, curly black hair, and a body that could make every guy want her and every girl want to be her. But, she was a mean person.

She was leaning against Regulus, her hand resting on his bicep, trying to get his attention.

Regulus pushed her off of him, saying something that I couldn't make out, and disappeared to somewhere else in the common room.

I was half expecting her to follow him, but she only stalked off in the other direction, trying to find someone that would give her attention.

"Hey, what're you staring at?" Maggie asked, pressing another shot into my hand.

I took the shot, the liquid burning my throat as I spoke. "Oh, nothing," I lied, "Let's go dance or something."

The song had changed, and now the voice of Rick James played loudly throughout the common room.

She's a very kinky girl

The kind you don't take home to mother

Emmeline grabbed my hand, dragging me onto the 'dance floor', and into the mosh pit of bodies.

She will never let your spirits down

Once you get her off the street, oh girl

Maggie pleaded to the guys to come dance, and after some resistance, they caved and joined us.

I danced against Jack, trying to clear my mind and focus on the alcohol that was currently working its way through my system.

Once the song ended, my mind was still working overtime.

"Hey, I'm going to get another drink," I said to Emmeline, having to yell slightly so that she could hear me over the music.

Emmeline yelled back, "Okay!"

The Art of Dying - R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now