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I spent all of Sunday in bed. Part of me always knew that it was never going to work out with him, but I wanted him so badly that I didn't even think about the consequences.

All of my roommates were awake and getting ready when I got back to our dorm. The four of them gave me concerned looks and bombarded me with questions, but I didn't answer them. I just climbed into my bed and drew the curtains.

Everytime I closed my eyes I saw the Mark on his arm. Black ink contrasting against pale skin. I saw Regulus. Red eyes, tears streaming down his face as he begged me to stay.

Subconsciously, I always knew that he would hurt me.

I just never thought that this was how he was going to break my heart.

I spent all of Sunday wallowing. I didn't want to talk with anyone. Except for Jack.

Sometime in the late afternoon, when all of my roommates had given up on trying to talk to me, Jack knocked on the door.

He sat down on the edge of my bed and looked at me. I probably looked like a mess. Red, puffy eyes, and last night's makeup.

"What happened?" Jack asked, his voice soft.

I shrugged, "He hurt me."

Jack looked angry. "Did he physically hurt you, Meredith?"

I shook my head quickly. "No," I answered, "He wouldn't do that."

Sometimes I think that Jack might be my best friend. Of course, Emmeline and Maggie are my two closest friends, but my friendship with Jack is different.

"Want me to beat him up?" Jack asked.

"No, it wouldn't be worth the detention."

Jack shook his head. "I said it before and I'll say it again. I would gladly take detention for beating up Regulus Black for you," Jack said.

This made me laugh, and I smiled for the first time all day.

"Seriously, just say the words and I'll start throwing fists."

He was serious. Jack was the kind of person who could do anything for his friends and family. He would take a curse for someone he loves and laugh it off.

I let myself wallow on Sunday. On Monday, I forced myself out of bed and straight to Professor McGonagall's office before breakfast.

I knocked on the door, and was met with a muffled 'come in'.

Opening the door, I stepped into McGonagall's office. The older woman was sitting at her desk, piles of papers spread around.

"Miss McKinnon, to what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked, gesturing for me to sit down.

I obliged, sitting down in one of the plush armchairs across from her.

"I was wondering if I could speak to you about something," I said.

Professor McGonagall smiled, "Of course."

I took a deep breath. "I would like a new patrol partner."

McGonagall frowned, "As I told you at the beginning of the year, patrol pairings are final."

"I understand that professor," I admitted. "But I cannot patrol with him anymore. I wouldn't be coming to you unless I was serious about this."

I watched Professor McGonagall. She was thinking my request over in her head.

"Well, I suppose this is about something more than not getting along, am I correct?"

I nodded, "Yes, professor. I can get along with anyone perfectly fine, but I cannot be patrol partners with Regulus Black anymore."

McGonagall thought this over.

"Okay, I can't make any promises, but I'll see what I can do, Miss McKinnon."

I smiled, "Thank you, professor.

"However," The older witch said, "You and Mister Black are still Head Boy and Girl. I expect you to act as such when you run meetings."

I nodded, "Of course, thank you."

Professor McGonagall smiled, "I'll let you know as soon as possible."

I gave McGonagall a small smile before seeing myself out of her office. I felt a bit better as I walked to breakfast, sitting between Jack and Sam at the table.

But, I couldn't stop my eyes from wandering over to the Slytherin table. I caught sight of him, sitting silently while Evan and Barty spoke around him.

His face was paler than usual, dark circles underneath his eyes, and a look of pure exhaustion on his face.


I glanced away, looking at Maggie, who had called my name.

"Yes?" I asked, confused.

Maggie smiled, "I was just wondering if you finished your Charms essay?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'll let you read it later."

I glanced back over at Regulus only to see that he was already staring. I quickly looked away and back at my breakfast plate.

- - - - -

Regulus Black

It's been just over a week since I last spoke to Meredith. She was going out of her way to ignore me, but I don't blame her.

On Tuesday, McGonagall called me into her office to tell me that we were switching patrol partners. I assumed that this was Meredith's doing. She really was done with me this time.

However, the switch didn't end up being a bad thing.

She was waiting for me outside the Great Hall. Her pale blonde hair fell to her waist, bright blue eyes staring up at the ceiling.

When she heard me coming, she looked over at me.

"Hi, Reggie!"

I smiled, "Hey, Pandora."

"Let's get started, shall we?"

As we walked, Pandora asked me about Meredith. I told her what happened, but she didn't judge me. Pandora just listened intently the whole time.

Aside from Evan and Barty, Pandora was the first person to know about the Mark. I told her right after it happened. I told her that I never wanted it, that it was to become one of them or get killed. I don't want to die yet.

Barty thinks it's odd that I'm friends with Pandora.

But he doesn't know that we've been friends since we were paired together in Charms during second year. He doesn't know that Pandora is the only person who knows what really goes on behind closed doors at Grimmauld Place.

Pandora is also the only person who knows what I've discovered. Something that could change everything. Something that could change the tide of the war. She told me that I should tell Meredith, that it might change things. But I don't want Meredith to be involved in any of this stuff. I want to protect her.

So, patrolling with Pandora wasn't bad at all. I quite enjoyed it. But she was no Meredith.

She asks about Meredith, and I ask about Xenophilius.

They're getting married in July. They're having their wedding on the coast, in Devon. Everyone is invited. They're buying a house near Ottery St. Catchpole.

I miss Meredith.

She doesn't give me a second glance when we inevitably make eye contact with each other. She doesn't speak to me in class or Prefects meetings unless she absolutely has to. She's never alone. That one friend of hers, Jack, is always by her side. And if he's not there, Emmeline is, or Maggie, or one of those other two guys whose names I can't care to remember.

I miss her.

The Art of Dying - R. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now