Chapter 2

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NOTE: This is the REWRITTEN version of Chapter 2 (published 12/22/21). If you would like to read the original chapter, please don't hesitate to message me.

James Potter could see the shock written all over Lily's face. As much as she tried to stifle the small gasp that flew out of her mouth unbidden, she was shocked. And if there was one thing James knew about Lily Evans, it was that she despised surprises.

Given their rocky past, James should have expected the shock. They hadn't always been on the best terms, especially when James had asked her out in front of their entire year. During their sixth year, though, they had definitely started to become more tolerant of each other—sharing nods when they passed each other in corridors or sharing resources for something the other was struggling with. Not the best of friends, but not the worst either.

Realizing she had spent the last minute frozen in place, James smiled warmly and pulled out a chair for her. "Hey, Evans," he began casually. "Hope your summer went well."

Lily blinked slowly, dropping her trunk behind her as she made her way towards the table. "Er—yeah, nothing memorable." She lifted her eyes to the badge pinned to his vest and then made eye contact. "I—Congrats on Head Boy?"

He took the seat across from her and gave her a teasing look. "You weren't expecting me?"

"No!" she said immediately. Then, tucking her hair behind her ear, "No, I—it's my fault really. Didn't even bother reading the rest of Dumbledore's letter once I read the words 'Head Girl'."

James laughed, adjusting his glasses on his nose. "Was there ever any doubt that you wouldn't get it, Evans?"

She stared at the table. "It—it's probably not the best time to have a muggle-born Head Girl."

James was quiet, understanding the small bead of fear that had cropped up in her voice. It wasn't his place to quash her fear, though, or offer any advice. As awful as it was, her apprehension wasn't unjustified.

"If what I think matters—I think this is probably the most fitting time to have you as Head Girl."

She lifted an eyebrow. "I think you're peppering me with baseless compliments to get on my good side."

"Not baseless—but yes, you've caught me," he said, lifting his hands.

"I really meant it, though. Congrats on Head Boy, Potter."

He shrugs. "I was probably a thousand times more bewildered than you. I wasn't even a Prefect."

"You know, you don't have to be a Prefect to be Head. It's unconventional, but it's been done in the past."

In the distance, he heard the train's whistle sound and felt the engines rumble to life below his feet.

"So what you're saying is that I'm not special."

Without skipping a beat, she replied, "Precisely."

The upward tug of her lips gave her away.

As the train began to chug forward, James took the momentary distraction to study the girl in front of him. Lily's beautiful red hair was left loose around her shoulders, and he found the shiny gold badge pinned to the front of her shirt. While she didn't look much different than the Lily Evans he had left on the platform in May, he felt a shift in the air now. As if they had found some sort of neutral equilibrium to exist in.

Especially after that explosive interaction after their OWLs in fifth year, James had gone home that summer and returned a changed person. He had gone home to complain to his dad, but Fleamont Potter refused to entertain his son's obvious error in judgement. So James had returned to Hogwarts during his sixth year with a new perspective—one that put itself to the test when Sirius pulled that stunt with Snape.

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