Chapter 20

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James lazily drummed his fingers on the polished wood bench, propping his head on his arm. He swept his gaze around the dark and humid Potions classroom, his eyes landing on the empty seat next to him.

Sirius was James' usual Potions partner, but he had skived off because he had a "stomachache." However, James knew that Sirius had put off writing his Potions essay and was frantically trying to finish it.

James groaned as he realized he would probably have to pair up with some blabby Hufflepuff or even worse, a Slytherin. Before he could even entertain that thought further, students began shuffling into the classroom. He sat up straighter, eyes focused on the chalkboard in the front of the room. It's just one class period. You can do this, he resolved.

A hand tapped him on the shoulder, "James? Where's Sirius?"

James looked up at Lily, her auburn hair pulled back into a ponytail. Small wisps of hair framed her face, and James followed one tendril as it curled softly against her cheek. He realized that she had actually asked him a question and was waiting for a response.

"Er- he had a stomachache."

"Well then, I guess this seat's empty."

James stared at her, open-mouthed, as she slid onto the bench next to him. He tried to look around for Alice, her Potions partner, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Lily, what're you doing? Where's Alice?" James asked, staring at her incredulously.

Lily rolled her eyes. "She told me she's skiving today. I think she just wants to spend time with Frank," she said, her green eyes brightening with mirth.

James allowed himself to smile, reveling in the fact that Lily Evans would be his Potions partner for the next hour and a half. He rummaged through his schoolbag and produced his Potions essay, which he lay on his bench.

Lily raised an eyebrow. "Wow, I'm impressed, Potter. I didn't actually think you paid attention in this class."

She grabbed his essay and unfolded it, her intelligent eyes skimming over the contents.

"Lils," he nudged her, "I know you have trouble with Potions, but I'm not allowing you to copy my essay."

Lily flung his essay back at him as she scoffed, "Shut it, Potter. I was actually going to compliment you, but I've changed my mind."

"Oh, really?" James asked, quirking his eyebrow.

"Yes, James," Lily conceded, "This might be your first Potions essay where you'll get higher than a T."

James scowled at her. "Well, I guess we can't all be Potions geniuses. I'm much better at Transfiguration, anyways."

"I'm not a Potions genius!"

"Ok, Evans... whatever you say," James said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm not! Do you think I like being in this dark and humid dungeon? Of course not! I may be good at Potions, but I'll always love Charms."

James pondered this. "Why Charms? I've never understood why we need to learn such menial spells."

Lily snorted. "Why? Because the great James Potter would rather spend his time turning mice into teacups?"

"Better than spending hours learning a Cheering Charm."

Lily rested her head on her hand as she looked at him sideways. "I dunno, I've always been really good at Charms. As a muggle-born, Charms are what I've always associated with magic. The theory interests me too because even though charms are 'simple spells', they can cause a lot of damage. What about you? Why Transfiguration?"

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