Chapter 31

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A/N: See the end of the chapter for a little note :)

"A little more the left. No, your other left, Potter!"

James rolled his eyes as he tried his best to follow Lily's directions, using his wand to move the decorations. Once Lily's back was turned, he discreetly gave up on the positions of the pumpkins, hoping she wouldn't notice. He hopped off the table he was standing on and went to help some fifth-years who were having trouble with their levitation spells.

They were setting up for the upcoming Halloween Feast. As Head Boy and Girl, it was James and Lily's responsibility to coordinate the decorations in the Great Hall. About a dozen prefects had signed up to help them decorate while the others had helped put together the decorations.

James, walking to the staff table to adjust the tablecloths, stopped abruptly as he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He stumbled a bit, catching himself on the table and waited until it was gone. Lily, who was on the other side of the Hall, gave him a concerned look. James shook his head, silently telling her he was fine. She narrowed her eyes at him but didn't move towards him.

James shook off the slight pang of irritation he felt when he met Lily's eyes. He knew that she just wanted to help and make sure he was okay, but he hated feeling like he had to depend on someone else. And she just wouldn't stop giving him that look, a look of pity.

Ever since their skirmish with the Slytherins in corridors, James would experience bouts of blinding pain in his shoulder, which would sometimes radiate to his arm and chest. Madam Pomfrey had said it was residual pain and it would eventually go away, but Lily had been adamant that it wouldn't affect his studies.

She had brewed him a batch of some potent painkiller, advising him to drink a vial every day. But James hated the taste of the liquid, so he often skipped out on taking it. Plus, he didn't need a potion to make him feel better; he wanted the people who had cursed him to get the punishment they deserved.

But, alas, the Slytherins were let off with a stern warning and a month of detention for being out of bed after curfew. When Lily had told him, James almost threw a fit, but Lily had been the voice of reason, telling him that Dumbledore couldn't possibly expel an entire group of students. 

"You okay, mate?" asked a kind voice behind him. Remus.

James looked over his shoulder and saw Lily discreetly eyeing the pair of them. "Did Lily send you over?"

Remus hesitated, and James scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"James, she's just worried."

"She doesn't need to be worried! I'm perfectly fine."

"Prongs, I know you're fine, but she's not. Imagine what she's going through. She watched you get attacked, that's not something she's going to forget anytime soon," reasoned Remus.

Lily watched the two friends talking, averting her eyes when she saw James look at her. She performed a quick round of the room, making sure the decorations were being put up correctly, checking and double-checking the schedule. She made a few suggestions to some Prefects and then helped Professor Flitwick charm the flying bats. She was so engrossed in her tasks that she never heard him sneak up on her.


Lily whirled around, her face darkening as she took in the figure in front of her. She clenched her jaw, memories of their interaction in the corridor resurfacing.


"Lily, we need to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you," said Lily, coldly.

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