Chapter 32

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"Ok, so let me get this straight..."

Lily groaned. "Mary, I've told you this a thousand times. What part don't you understand?"

"Lily!" she whined, "I've been waiting for this to happen for ages. I'm sure you can spare a few details."

"What details? I've already told you everything!"

"Doesn't matter. Start from the beginning," commanded Mary.

Lily huffed. "I'll tell you after class. Let me take notes in peace."

Lily pushed ahead of Mary and Alice, walking in the direction of their Defense classroom. She, however, was mistaken if she thought that her friends were just going to leave the subject alone. Within seconds, Mary had sidled up to her, matching her pace.

"Ok, fine. At least tell me why you're hiding it from everyone."

"We're not hiding it! I've told you, and he's told the people he wants to tell. And, if someone asks, I'm not going to lie to them. But, we've decided to keep it quiet. We don't need to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves."

Mary snorted. "Right. You're telling me James Potter doesn't want to draw 'unnecessary attention' to himself?"

Lily rolled her eyes. "We're going to keep it professional. We're still Head Boy and Girl. Hogwarts is still our first priority."

"And you're both okay with that?" inquired Alice, coming up from behind them.

Lily smiled. "Yeah, we are."

"Is he a good snog?" interjected Mary.

"Mary!" Lily stopped, blushing.

"What? I told you I wanted details."

"That's not relevant!"

"Fine, fine. Have it your way," grumbled Mary.

Lily sighed in relief as she felt the heat dissipate from her cheeks. Just as her complexion was finally returning to normal, she heard a familiar (irritating) voice call out her name.

"Oi! Evans!"

Lily turned around just in time to have Sirius throw his arm around her shoulders. Lily released an exasperated breath as he fell into step beside her. Behind him, shuffled in James, Remus, and Peter. She caught James' eye, but he just winked at her. Stupid tosser, she cursed.

"What do you want, Black?" she sighed, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"I heard something interesting..." trailed off Sirius, smirking at the redhead.

Lily knew what this was about. She sighed and played along, "And what was that?"

"I heard you found a new snogging mate. Congrats!"

Lily quirked an eyebrow. "Are you jealous because I stole yours?"

Remus and Peter snickered while James turned beet red, staring in shock at Lily. Sirius just smirked and said, "Well played, Evans."

She looked at him, eyes sparkling. "A promise is a promise."

Sirius chuckled softly, her words reminding him of a conversation they had not too long ago. Sirius conceded that Lily Evans was not one to break a promise, a fact that he would remember for years to come.

He removed his arm from Lily's shoulder, allowing her to readjust the strap of her schoolbag. She walked a bit ahead of him, catching up with Mary and Alice. As they turned into the Defense corridor, she stole a glance at Sirius behind her.

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