Chapter 5

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Note: This chapter is the rewritten version published on 8/1/23. If you would like to read the original, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!

Lily awoke to the sliver of sunshine peeking through her window. Thoughts of the previous night rose to her mind unbidden.

Had she really enjoyed an entire evening in James Potter's company?

The truth was that she had, she really had. She'd noticed the subtle changes in his personality after the end of fifth year, but yesterday had knocked her over. Figuratively, of course, but why did she feel like something big had happened last night? Something revolutionary.

Turning to face the ticking clock on her nightstand, Lily discovered, with a start, that she was late.

She threw the covers aside and made a beeline for the conjoining bathroom corridor. It was locked.

"Potter!" she shouted, pounding her fist against the closed door. "Hurry up!"

"Don't rush me, Evans!" came the muffled shout from inside. "Perfection doesn't come easy."

"Potter, don't make me hex you!"

Lily heard a soft click before the door unlocked on its own. Steam billowed out of the room, and she used her hand to wave it away before she entered. James stood before the mirror, his wild hair sticking in every direction. He was buttoning up the last sliver of his white shirt before turning to Lily.

He smiled at her. "Morning, Evans. You're late, by the way."

Lily scowled. "I know, you idiot."

"All yours," he said with a slight chuckle as he headed out. 

"You're late too!" she called after him. He only waved a hand in dismissal.

She locked both doors, pulling on the handle to ensure they were shut. She didn't want to take any chances, especially with someone as handsome as James Potter. 

She checked her watch as she began to knot her tie, her hair still damp from the shower. Cursing under her breath, she realised she'd also have to skip breakfast. Mary and Alice would not be happy with her, but she didn't have a choice. And her first class of the day was Charms with Professor Flitwick. He wouldn't mind terribly if she were a few minutes late. 

Mary and Alice had (luckily) saved her a seat in the middle of the classroom. She dropped into the chair beside Alice, setting her parchment and quill on the desk.

"Late start to the morning?" asked Mary with a wink.

"Yes," Lily began, eyeing her friend with suspicion, "but probably not for the reasons you think."

"I think that you and Potter had a wonderful night wrapped up in each other's—"

"Alright, I knew I shouldn't have even asked." Lily rolled her eyes but recognised the unmistakable burn flooding her cheeks.

"Okay class, let's settle down," Professor Flitwick began, his tiny frame balanced on a small stool. "Welcome back to Hogwarts! As seventh years, you will have a lot on your plates this year. Especially with NEWTS coming up, I expect that everyone here does their best and focuses intently on their studies. For Charms, here is your NEWT-level curriculum."

Flitwick waved his wand, and immediately, stacks of parchment flew over to each student. 

"What is this? We have to know all of this in one year?" Mary questioned, staring at her 48-page packet.

"Yes, Ms. MacDonald and you will be responsible for covering most of it on your own," Flitwick answered.

The class groaned in unison.

The rest of their classes went by similarly. Each professor stressed the importance of their NEWTS and then handed out ginormous curriculum packets.

"I wish I could just stuff these textbooks into my brain." Mary groaned.


"Well, MacDonald, I can help take some of that weight off of your shoulders, if you know what I mean."

Mary spun around and narrowed her eyes at Sirius Black, a mischievous grin plastered on his face. He gave a sly wink to Mary.

"In your dreams, Black," Mary retorted.

"What do you say, Evans? Are you just as stressed? I have a friend who'd love to help you relax."

She furrowed her brow just as James walked over and pulled Sirius out of her path. "Stop harassing your housemates, Sirius."

"I'm just being helpful!" he protested as James dragged him away. "Ask Evans, we were coming up with a study plan!"

"Your study plan is a recipe for failure!" Lily called out after him.

"You just haven't tried it yet!" was his distant reply down the hall.

As Lily, Mary, and Alice walked into the Great Hall for dinner, they spotted three empty seats next to Frank.  

"Hey, Lily, Mary." Frank nodded to each of them in turn.

"Hi, Frank! How were your classes?" Lily asked while filling up her plate. She glanced out of the corner of her eye at James and saw him piling food onto his plate. She smiled inwardly before focusing her attention back on Frank.

"They're good... I just can't stand Potions with Slughorn. How was I supposed to know that you have to stir anti-clockwise seven times if it isn't in the textbook? How do you do it, Lily? You're amazing at Potions," Frank questioned.

"I guess I just have a natural talent," Lily bragged jokingly.

Mary hit her on the back of her head. "Shut up, Lil. I hate you."

Lily laughed and finished her dinner. She bid goodnight to her friends and raced back to the Head Dormitories. She had a 3-foot essay on the dangers of Amortentia that she wanted to get a head start on.

She climbed into her room and saw that the bathroom door was open. Her face flushed as she remembered the morning's events. She hastily closed the door and got out her parchment, quill, and textbook.

She didn't know where the time went, but she slowly realised how tired she was. She yawned loudly but kept working diligently.

At ten past nine, James strolled into their dormitory, exhausted. Sirius had just finished telling him about all of the people who had asked about Quidditch tryouts. James groaned. Great, another thing to add to my growing list of worries.

He looked toward the staircase and saw Lily's closed door. He sighed. Maybe he would say goodnight to her before he turned in for the evening.

He knocked softly on her door. "Lily?" No response. James tried again. No response. He slowly opened the door and saw Lily dozing off on her piece of parchment with her quill held loosely in her hand. Her hair had fallen out of its makeshift bun so that strands of her auburn hair framed her face. She looked so serene, so beautiful.

He crossed the threshold into her room and walked over to her. He put her quill and parchment away (he noticed she had started working on her potions essay. Of course, he thought) and hesitantly stood over her. He gently nudged her foot.

Her eyes flew open, blinking rapidly as she looked at him. "James?" 

"Hey, Lil. You fell asleep. Need some help getting into bed?" he asked, immediately realising what that sounded like. "I meant—"

She yawned, waving him off. "Thanks for waking me, I think I have an awful crick in my neck." She rubbed her neck. "I don't even know why I started this essay."

He snorted. "I wouldn't expect anything else from you, Miss Evans. I'll leave you to it," he said.

Lily slid underneath her covers and back to the door. James walked over to the door, turned around and whispered, "Night, Lily." Then he was gone.  

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