Chapter 4

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Note: This chapter is the rewritten version published on 10/13/22. If you would like to read the original, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!

The dormitory was designed exactly like the Gryffindor Common Room. In the corner, a fire roared, spreading a gentle yellow glow about the room. There were two plush loveseats and a couch in front of the fireplace. Behind that were two pairs of staircases leading up to each of their respective rooms.

Lily stepped over the threshold into the room, her jaw dropping open at the sheer vastness. Next to her, James' eyes had widened behind his glasses as he took in the dormitory. 

Turning around, Lily smiled at Professor Flitwick. "Professor, this is—this is wonderful."

The Charms professor shook his head. "Many Head Students have found that this room was their only solace when the job got to be too much. I wish you both all the best in your new roles. You both deserve them so very much."

"Thank you, professor."

"Well, I'll leave you both to it. Your trunks should already be in your rooms up the stairs. I believe you'll have the feast sent up here, but you can let one of the house elves know if you need anything else."

Taking a few more tentative steps into the room, Lily ran her fingers over the velvet lining the armchair. James had moved over to the windows—the tall glass panes that covered over half the opposite wall—and observed the view with his hands behind his back.

"What are we going to do with all this space?" James asked, still facing the windows.

"I dunno, but I'm sure we can recruit Sirius for some ideas."

James chuckled a sharp sound that left Lily's heart racing for no reason. "Trust me, we don't want to get Sirius involved. Or else one day you'll come back and find that grindelows have trampled the dorms."

"Hmm," mused Lily as she made her way to stand next to him. "I reckon that would bring some excitement into our lives."

"Excitement?" James asked, looking down at her. "If you're looking for excitement, Evans, then I have a proposition for you."

At her narrowed eyes, he shook his head, a blinding grin on his lips. "Not like that, get your mind out of the gutter. Have you ever been to the kitchens?"

"What kitchens?"

"The Hogwarts kitchens. Where do you think the food for the feast comes from?"

She shrugged. "I dunno, I assumed there was some magic involved."

"Well, obviously, but this is basic Gamp's, Evans."

She raised an eyebrow. "Are you lecturing me about Gamp's Laws of Elemental Transfiguration before the term's even started, Potter?"

He sucked some air through his teeth. "My oh my, Lily. How do you plan on passing your NEWTs with that kind of work ethic?"

"Oh, shut it, you," she said, flicking his arm. "I don't even want to think about NEWTs right now."

"So? Have you been to the kitchens?"

"No, but I'm not sure I want to go there with you. I'm not looking forward to getting detention on my first day."

"Oh, don't worry, you'll be fine with me," he said, turning away from the window. "Make sure your trunk's upstairs, and then we'll leave."

"James, you're just teasing, right? Flitwick said they would bring the feast up here."

James shrugged. "Might as well go to the source. The house elves won't have to come all the way up here. Works out both ways."

As he climbed the staircase on the right, Lily twisted her hair behind her ears. "What have I gotten myself into?" she muttered under her breath.

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