Chapter 27

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James took a deep breath as he rapped his knuckles against the door.

"Come in," called a voice from the inside.

James cautiously opened the door to Professor McGonagall's office. She was seated at a desk in the center, a stack of papers in front of her. Her quill was in her hand, but she set everything aside and gestured for him to sit. James took the seat in front of her desk and awkwardly cleared his throat.

Professor McGonagall adjusted her spectacles as she pulled out a file from her desk drawer. "So, Mr. Potter, last time we spoke, in your fifth year, I believe you wanted to pursue a career as an Auror? Has that changed?"

James swallowed. "Uh, actually yes, it has. I wanted to speak with you about that because I honestly have no idea what I want to do."

McGonagall looked at him and set the file aside. "What made you change your mind, Potter?"

"Well, Professor, first of all, and it's pretty obvious, but my father wants me to take over Sleekeazy's as his only son. Of course, I don't want to do that, I mean I hate Potions for god's sake, but I also don't want to let him down because he's worked so hard to build that company. Also, I don't even know if I want to be an Auror because the training takes so long and I want to do something now."

"Mr. Potter, it is difficult to know what one wants to do with the rest of their lives at this point in time. I can see that you have put some thought into it. I suggest you continue to explore other possible careers. And, although the training to become an Auror is lengthy, I still believe that you shouldn't immediately dismiss the notion."

James sighed, "Professor, I don't know what else I could pursue. I've lived my whole life wanting to be an Auror. If I'm forced to take over my father's company, I would hate every minute of it."

"Potter, all I can do is suggest that continue to find careers that you are passionate about. When the time comes, I'm sure that things will work out. There are many different career paths that you can take with the NEWT level classes you are taking. As long as you are able to achieve at least an 'E' in all of them, you should be set. Of course, that will require you to focus harder on your classes."

"I understand, Professor. Thank you."

As James stood, Professor McGonagall called out to him, "And Potter, if you ever want to discuss your options further, my office is always open."

James nodded at his professor as he slung his bag over his shoulder. He shut the door behind him as the conversation with McGonagall echoed in his head.

He knew that his father wanted him to take over his company, but James had no interest in Potions. He grew up wanting to be an Auror, but after learning about the war raging on beyond the walls of Hogwarts, he realized that he wanted more.

James turned around and stopped, coming face to face with none other than Lily Evans. He saw her gulp as his eyes met hers.

"Hey, Lily," said James, running a hand through his hair.

"What're you doing here?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Er- same as you, I guess. Career counseling."


Both of them stood in uncomfortable silence as they each tried to figure out the fastest way to end the conversation.

"Er- so I better get going," said James, awkwardly, sidestepping behind her to get out of her way.

"Oh, yeah. How was it?" she asked him, gesturing to the closed door.

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