Chapter 3

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Note: This chapter is the rewritten version published 5/5/22. If you would like to read the original, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!

"Lily, slow down, will you?"

She ignored James' request, increasing her pace through the train's narrow corridors. Her mind was racing a million metres a minute, and she could barely think straight. The fact that Snape had the audacity to attempt to speak with her when she had made her feelings on the matter perfectly clear grated her incessantly.

"Oh, for Christ's sake, Evans!" she heard before a calloused hand circled her wrist.

She lurched to a stop as James let go of her wrist. With a crease between his brows, he leaned closer and said, "Lily, we need to—"


He looked flustered. "No?" he echoed in confusion.

She glanced around them before looking at him and Remus. "No. Not here. We'll talk in the compartment."

James opened his mouth to argue, but Remus clamped a hand on his shoulder and nodded. "I agree. No need to have this conversation in the open. Lead the way, Lily."

She led the pair of them towards the front of the train, feeling the heavy weight of the silence. She'd never known James to be so quiet, and for some reason, it unnerved her. So when the compartment door closed behind them, she let out a deep breath, her shoulders slumping.

"Evans, I know I shouldn't have threatened Snape like that, but he's a slimy prick, and I'm sorry that—"

At that, Lily sharply met his gaze. "You're sorry?"

"Er—" James looked to Remus for assistance. "I am. I shouldn't have acted so rashly, but—"

Lily held up a finger. "Sorry to interrupt, but you shouldn't be sorry. You're right; he is a slimy prick for trying that move—trying to talk to me when I've made it very clear that I want nothing to do with him."

"Oh," James said. "So, you're not mad at me?"

Lily snorted. "Please," she said, rolling her eyes. "Why would I be mad at you? Snape was the one out of line, and you were just defending Remus. I no longer harbour any delusions as to what type of person he is."

"Oh," James said, claiming a seat. He ran a hand through his hair. "I was prepared to grovel and beg for your forgiveness."

Lily flinched, a feeling of shame building up inside her. Was she that horrible? Did he really think so low of her that a simple action would be blown out of proportion?

Remus noticed her discomfort and placed a friendly hand on her shoulder. "He doesn't mean it like that, Lily," he said, shooting a glare at James. "It's rather refreshing to see you denounce Snape's actions."

"Well," she shrugged, settling in the seat across from James, "serves me right for ignoring it before. Rose-coloured glasses and all."

"Lily, wait, there's something—I need you to give me your word," James said.

"My word? For what?"

"Snape—he found something out about Remus, and it would ruin him if it got out. So I need your word before—"

"Wait, stop," Lily said, turning to face Remus. "Is this about the werewolf thing?"

Remus lifted a shoulder. "I believe so."

Meanwhile, James looked as if he had entered cardiac arrest. His eyes had bugged out of his head, and his jaw was slack as he stared at Lily. "You know?"

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