Chapter 29

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Lily burst through the portrait hole, eyes frantically searching for one James Potter. She was in luck because the boy in question was sitting on the couch in front of her, sifting through some papers.

"James! Oh, thank god!" Lily breathed as she dropped herself next to him.

James turned to her, surprised at hearing his name. "Er, Lily? Aren't you supposed to be cross with me?"

"Forget about that for a moment. Did you hear what happened to your patrol partner, Jacob Ainsley?"

"No? Is everything alright?"

"I just came back from the Hospital Wing. Apparently, two second years found him on the ground bleeding and unconscious."

James gaped at her, turning around so he could see her face. "What!? How did that happen?"

Lily sighed. "Well, I'm sure he didn't just trip and fall."

"Why Ainsley, though? Is he alright?" James questioned. "I guess I'll just have to do my patrols on my own, then."

Lily stared at him. "Are you crazy? I'm not letting you go out there alone. I'm coming with you!"

James looked at her incredulously, shocked by her change in heart. Merely a few hours ago, Lily Evans wouldn't even make eye contact with him, and now she was concerned about his wellbeing.

"Lily, I'll be fine. It's just one night of rounds. I also happen to know you have a Transfiguration essay that you've been putting off."

She blushed, color rising up through her neck. "That can wait. Anyways, the Prefect guidelines state that there have to be at least two people doing rounds at all times, and I'm no rule-breaker."

James smiled at her as he gathered his papers. "Oh, also, I worked on the decorations schedule for the upcoming Halloween feast. Maybe you want to take a look at it?"

"James Potter did his work without being told? Watch out, Potter, you're ruining your own reputation," Lily smirked.

"Har, har, har. So funny, Evans," he deadpanned, hiding his smile.

"We should get going," Lily said, offering him her hand. He grasped it and she pulled him up off the sofa. They stood like that for a second, James gazing into her bright green eyes, hands intertwined before Lily let go of his hand and turned around.

They walked through the corridors, together, sometimes joking, sometimes teasing. James hesitantly breached the subject of their Transfiguration essay, which she was having some difficulty with. He thought that if she had to be on this patrol with him, he might as well help her with her homework.

"So, Lils, how far have you gotten on your Transfiguration essay?"

Lily rolled her eyes. "I have no idea where to even begin."

James laughed. "Hey, we can't have the Head Girl become a truant, can we? What's got you stumped?"

Lily hesitated. On one hand, Lily didn't want to appear stupid, asking him for help, but on the other hand, she was really struggling with this essay. After a moment of confliction, she conceded.

"Honestly, just the topic. How am I supposed to write about the theory of Transfiguring an animate object into an inanimate one when there are so many other things involved?"

James pondered this. "What else is involved? It's actually pretty straightforward. All you have to do is detach the soul of the animate object and-"

"Exactly!" Lily interrupted, "I know the basic theory behind it; I've done these Transfigurations since first-year. My problem is that I can't possibly think of a reason why the soul needs to be detached. The soul is what gives the animate object its sense of being and I just can't rip that away!"

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