1 ~ The Prince's Younger Brother

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~ ❀ Frisk ❀ ~

                   "H- huh?! You wanna see the monster history archives?! W- what exactly are you looking for?!" Alphys blinked over her computer, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Just wanna check something involving the Dreemurr family. I'll be really quick, I swear!" I exclaimed, walking around Alphys' desk until I was standing beside her. She sighed, turing her chair to face me.

"What exactly? There isn't much else you don't already know as far as I've been told."

I squinted at the mini fridge on her desk in nervousness. -Well, I'm always squinting, but that's besides the point. "I just wanted to find out something about Asriel's other younger sibling..."

The human boy in question, currently poised on Alphys' other side, glanced over and rose an eyebrow at me. "You are aware that you can just ask me, right?"

Alphys' brows furrowed. "'Other' younger sibling? Asriel had another younger sibling?" 

Chara huffed, dramatically. "Honestly, if we come across one more monster that refuses to admit to my existence I'm not going to be very happy. And you and I both know what happens when I'm upset." 

'You force me to eat a whole bunch of spicy chocolate?' I asked in my thoughts. Chara nodded, grinning mischievously.

He's joking. Mostly.

"Yeah, the first fallen human. His name was Chara Dreemurr." I subconsciously gestured to where Chara was standing, forgetting that I was the only one who could see him. At least for now. 

"Sounds kind of ominous. 'At least for now.' What in Asgore's name are you planning, dear Frisk?" He watched me, amused.

"I don't think I've heard of him... But to be fair, I didn't know who Dr. Gaster was up until recently so I'm not that surprised we forgot someone else." Alphys sighed, and pushed her glasses back up her nose.

"Forgotten?! Excuse me, ma'am, but-"

'Shut up, I can't hear what she's saying!' I sent a quick glare to Chara before Alphys noticed. Chara scowled at me, but stayed quiet. Thankfully.

"Come over my shoulder and we'll see if I can pull up the Dreemurr family on the files." Alphys waved me over before she turned back to her computer and began pecking away at the keyboard. Chara sighed and glanced at the screen. I followed suit, placing a hand on Alphys' chair arm to keep my balance.

"Since when did they have all these stories and stuff on the computer? I thought they were all on those screens scattered about the Underground?" Chara asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. I repeated this to Alphys.

"Well, during the moving process to the surface, a couple of monsters, Dr. Gaster, and I downloaded all the files to chips so we could preserve our history. We combined all of them onto one particular drive that we dubbed 'The Monster History Archives'. Asgore came up with the name." She clicked on a file with the name she mentioned and started scrolling through a long list of old entries made by her ancestors.

Chara rolled his eyes. "Not surprised. Dad always was gifted in his name giving. Heh, did you know Asriel's name is just a mix of Asgore and Toriel? I have no idea how dad got that passed mom."

I stifled a chuckle. 'I thought they named him Asriel because that was the name of an angel, granted it's spelled slightly different.'

"It would fit honestly. With Azrael being the Archangel of death or something like that."

'Don't say that to Asriel or he might get upset.' I warned, knowing he would probably do it anyways.

Chara scoffed."Please. If that is what gets him upset, we really need to worry about him. Even so, I think he's good. Have you seen how much he jokes around with all the monsters he killed not so long ago? I think you're more traumatized then he is."

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