2 ~ The Festival of Lights

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~ ❀Frisk❀ ~

            You know, I really do love Chara sometimes. He's a wonderful best friend, and makes me laugh when things are looking down. Despite his constant teasing, he does occasionally offer useful advice. And I know for a fact I wouldn't have survived the Underground if he hadn't been there to cheer me on.

However, there are those days when Chara's presence isn't exactly welcome. Today is definitely one of those days.

"I cannot believe you agreed to this, Frisk. Where's your sense of dignity? You're way too badass to hang out with a half-wit fool like cowboy kid."

'For the last time, Chara, if you don't shut up and stop distracting me, I will throw out all the chocolate I just bought and eat caramel candies instead,' I threatened in my thoughts, stealing a glance at the translucent human boy walking on my left side.

An audible gasp came from Chara as he froze in place.

"You wouldn't."

'Watch me, bucko.'

Chara watched with a pained expression as I made my way over to the green metal trash can a ways away from us. Clover looked up from fixing his hat and watched me curiously.

"Something wrong with the candy?" He turned his head in my direction as I walked back over to him and Chara. I shook my head and started walking down the line of festival stands again.

"Already finished them. Besides, I got a friend of mine who really likes chocolate and would probably kill me if they saw I was hoarding an empty box of them."

I could almost feel the holes being burned into my back as we walked away from the ghost kid.

"Alrighty, then," Clover shrugged with a smile and continued on as well.

A few kids ran past us, each carrying half-melted ice creams. Food vendors waved people walking the main pathway over to their stands. Humans and monsters alike conversed and laughed together. Golden lanterns were strung up all over the place, a few people carrying smaller, elaborately decorated versions of them. I haven't been to a festival in a long time, but this one feels alive. It's almost surreal. 

It really is amazing to think how both monsters and humans came together to celebrate our first Festival of Lights together. You could see both races influence everywhere, from the fantastic magic effects created by the monsters, to the decorations and food placed everywhere by the humans. Sure, monsters can't actually eat human food, but it's the thought that counts.

I was originally scared that the humans wouldn't welcome the monsters, but just like me, they were actually pretty curious about them. There was also talk of the fact that since humans can barely stand each other, they treat the monsters welcomely to 'repent their sins'. Of course, there are actual humans who legitimately treat the monsters with respect and excitement of their arrival, but humans will be humans.

The monsters have mainly stayed around Mt. Ebott, but a few have moved further out to the city - such as Mettaton. Currently, I live with a good majority of the monsters in a small newly established town Mr. Asgore dubbed 'Hometown'. Perfect name, in my opinion. Not many humans live here quite yet, but there are a few families around here. All monster and human residents of the town got together to hold this festival, after all. 

-In fact, speaking of said aforementioned festival, it's apparently a really old celebration that humans and monsters have celebrated since the beginning of time. We just didn't celebrate it together until recently. I'm not really sure what the festival is completely about, but it might be a religious thing. Either way, everyone's more or less using it as a ceremonial way of bring our two races' cultures together and stuff like that. Currently my position here is to make sure things are running smoothly and nobody's getting into fights.

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