6 ~ Silent Goodbye

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~ ❀Frisk❀ ~

               "This kinda tickles, hehe."

I allowed myself a small smile at Chara's antics. Currently, I was sitting on a table facing him, my soul floating above the ground in the space directly between us. Asriel was seated lazily in a roller chair off to the side from us, casually crumpling up yet another friendliness pellet-looking object to toss at his brother. Alphys, meanwhile, was standing beside my table, hurriedly writing down a few notes on my stats and stuff like that.

-For completionists, I'm at LV 1 HP 20/20 with no EXP, AT, or DF.

"How is Chara d- doing so far?" Alphys glanced up, pushing her fallen glasses back up the bridge of her nose. I could tell she was trying to act confident around Dr. Gaster, but it was very clear just how nervous was. Her last few experiments hadn't gone quite as planned, after all. She hadn't even been around to help whenever Dr. Gaster converted some of my Determination over to Asriel, so this was the first Determination-related experiment she had done in a while. 

I gave her a reassuring smile, hoping it helped ease her nerves somewhat. "Being just as - if not more - nervous than you. He hasn't been able to stand still for the entire time we've been here." I glanced at Asriel, then, who was currently eyeing the place I had told him Chara was standing. "I'd suggest you calm it with the 'friendliness pellets', Asriel. It's somehow tickling him."

Asriel's eyes widened. He scowled at me. "They are definitely not friendliness pellets, Frisk. Please, don't call them that."

Chara gave him a confused look. "What exactly are they, then?"

"Chara asked what they are. And, to be frankly honest, I'm kinda curious, too. You just randomly started tossing them in Chara's general direction." I pulled one of my legs onto the table and rested my chin on it.

Asriel held up a small crumpled up shred of white printer paper. "Scraps of paper I found on the desk here. How're they touching Chara?" 

Chara shrugged. "Ghost-logic."

'You have got to stop using that excuse for everything. That doesn't even work for this context because you're supposed to be incorporeal,' I shifted my glance to him.

"Maybe I'm a little more here then I tell you, hmm? For all you know, I could lean forward and kiss you and you'd actually feel it," Chara grinned, placing his hands on his hips.

"Did he say anything?" Asriel spoke up, raising a questioning eyebrow.

I just blinked at Chara.

Kiss? Kiss him? Chara? Why did he... Why do I even... Huh?!

Chara tilted his head. "You wouldn't actually want to kiss me, would you?"

"Absolutely not! Don't flood my head with weird stuff like that."

"What'd he say?" Asriel looked between where Chara was standing and I with slight amusement crossing his expression. 

Oh. I... guess I said that out loud.

"I hate to intervene in this lovely conversation, children, but if you're all ready, we can begin now!" Dr. Gaster chirped up, walking past my table holding his weird skull-thing. Asriel told me it was a miniature version of the extractor in Alphys' true lab, but it doesn't really look like it. I can't really describe it very well. It's some sort of dinosaur-skull-thing. It's also white.

"How about we not and say we did?" Chara frowned at Dr. Gaster as he crossed his arms.

"Chara and I are ready whenever you guys are. Asriel?" I glanced back to the goat monster. The ghost boy narrowed his eyes at me.

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