12 ~ The Cowboy Kid

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~ ❀Chara❀ ~

               "Hey, kid, you look familiar." 

All eyes inside the diner turned to us as we pushed through the door to QC's. Aside from a few murmurs around the room, all the patrons had gone silent. The few humans scattered about looked around at the dead silent monsters, most likely confused about what shut them up. 

Guess Asriel was right. Word does spread fast. A little surprising though, none of the monsters from the current generation aside from my parents and Gerson would know enough about me to point me out. Heck, Alphys didn't even know Asriel had a brother aside from Kris until Frisk brought me up to her. 

"It's just a kid. Probably one o' them fallens or whatever the monsters call 'em. What about 'im?" A human man sitting in one of the booths spoke up, giving the armor-clad dog monster who had pointed me out a weird look.

Kris looked up at me confused while Frisk's grip on my shoulder tightened. "He's just a friend of mine. Don't all humans look the same to monsters? I'm sure you're just mixing him up with someone else."

The dog monster narrowed his eyes, staring intently at my face. "...No, he looks like-"

"My descendant. Second cousin twice removed or something like that."

Everyone turned their attention to the bar where a human kid roughly three years older than my physical age was sitting on a stool. His back was to us but I'd recognize that ridiculous hat anywhere.


Frisk let out a breath of relief and loosened her grip. Meanwhile, Kris' bewildered look increased ten-fold. "But I thought he was my-"

"-Brother's friend, yes. Both Asriel and I are good friends with him." Frisk cut him off, a forced smile on her face.

Just smile and nod, Chara. Just smile and nod.

Another monster that was leaning against the bar next to Clover had a skeptical look. "Uh huh. And what's the boy's name, Clover?"

Visible sweat was present on the side of his face as Clover attempted to confidently face the monster. "His name is... er... it's..."

A couple of monsters rolled their eyes around us, a few even standing up and moving towards us. Frisk stood her ground, keeping a firm grip on my shoulder. Kris just blinked, clearly having no idea what was happening.

I sighed. "Evan. My name is Evan."

Frisk's grip on my arm tightened sharply without warning. 

I glanced at her but only saw her neutral expression. Before I could ask what was wrong, the monster at the bar rolled his eyes and took a swig of his drink. "Sure, kid. Clover and his cousin 'Evan'." 

Clover glanced at me out of the corner of his eye before shrugging and turning back around to face the counter. "I was just as surprised to find out my first cousin had a kid as you are. Good to know I still have family, right?"

Have you ever wanted to wack a guy with a cane? Just to go up to him, raise the stick, and land a beautiful hit right across his smug face. Ooooh man, I have never wanted to do it more than I do now.

Kris pointed back at me, his eyes wide and nervous. "But he's-!"

"Is he your brother, Kris?" A bunny monster standing behind the counter asked, cutting the boy off.

Much to Clover and I's rising panic, Kris nodded with his arms crossed, matter-of-factly. "Mhm, so mama says."

The dog monster's eyes widened and he pointed at me accusingly. "Queen Toriel herself confirmed it! That boy is-" 

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