15 ~ Lost In Yesterday

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[Note: this is a pretty long chapter compared to ones previous. It does have a lot of charisk, though! =) Hope that's ok.]

~ ❀Chara❀ ~

                    "Kris, stop- Kris, stop- Kris, stop-!! Dammit, Kris!!!" Asriel yelled, dropping his controller on the ground in frustration. From beside him, Kris jumped up and punched his fists into the air, grinning widely.

"Heck yeah!" He exclaimed, sticking his tongue out at Asriel. "Looks you don't have the skills to be a pro gamer!"

"You've been spending too much time around Berdly, kid," Asriel grumbled, placing a paw over his face and sighing.

Frisk, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, leaned over and whispered. "What're they playing?"

"Super Smashing Fighters," I replied, chuckling at Asriel's grumbles and Kris' little victory dance. "So far Kris is winning."

"Have you tried playing either of them yet? You might enjoy it," Frisk asked, slowing sitting up from where she was laying her head against the couch's armrest.

I shook my head, hugging my knees closer to my chest. "I'm fine just watching."

Like always.

Frisk nodded, drowsily. "Sure."

Asriel picked up his controller yet again and sent Kris a challenging glare. "One more game, kid."

Kris' grin widened and he plopped back down next to him. "If you think you can handle the power of my awesomeness."

"Who're you playing as, guys?" Frisk asked, leaning her head on my shoulder without warning. I jumped a little.

"Uh, Frisk-"

"I'm playing as Yoshi and he's Ness for whatever reason," Asriel answered, scratching a spot under his ear while Kris filtered through the menu.

"He kinda reminds me of Sans." Kris shrugged. "Plus, I like how he whacks everybody with a bat. It's really funny."

"Sometimes I wonder if I ever should've introduced you to this game," Asriel remarked, side-glancing Kris wearily.

Kris only shrugged again, pressing a button on his controller to start the next round. After the countdown finished out, they were both at it again, each mashing the heck out of their poor controllers. A few grunts of frustration and giggles of ecstasy came from the two as they whacked and blew each other up on-screen. Soon, after they beat the smash ball around the stage for a minute, Kris managed to destroy it and unleashed Ness' final smash. It wasn't enough to finish the round, but it definitely did a number on Yoshi.

"Sometimes," Asriel muttered, "I wished the God of Hyperdeath was a smash character. He could obliterate this kid in three seconds flat."

Frisk chuckled. "There's a difference between actually being the god and playing as him, Asriel. Sure, you could probably come up with a pretty good strategy using your own abilities, but would you be able to put them into effect before Kris whacks you into oblivion?"

"Er, Frisk," I cut in, quietly as I could. "Why are you laying on my shoulder?"

Frisk shifted slightly so she could look up at my face. "You're only just asking me this? I've been sitting here for almost ten minutes now."

Probably because I was spending those ten minutes questioning my life choices?

"That, er, doesn't answer my question..."

"You're invading his personal space, Frisk. He's just trying to be nice about it," Asriel spoke up, gritting his teeth as he continued button-mashing.

Frisk leaned back a little. "...Oh. Sorry, Chara." She sat back up and shifted a little further away. She smiled at me, though I could see a twinge of disappointment laced in her expression.

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