4 ~ Half-asleep

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~ ❀Chara❀ ~

             "Oh, dear Frisk, do you think I could have a moment of your time? I have something very important that I really need to discuss with you and, to do so, you need to actually pay attention to me. ...Could you at least humor me...?"

Frisk didn't look up from her phone, effectively showing zero indication that she was listening. I patiently waited for a reply, my hands clasped neatly over my lap. It was an awkward position, all things considered; boots hooked under the plastic legs of Frisk's desk chair whilst I tried to straighten my back in an futile attempt to seem taller than I was.

Not that Frisk cares, evidently.

A few minutes of this passed before I couldn't stop myself from anxiously fidgeting around. I tried listening to her thoughts, but her mind was clear. Did I do something to upset her earlier? It's not easy for Frisk to clear her mind, so something had to have happened for her to try to blank out her mind from me. But, as far as I'm aware, nothing's happened in the past night that would cause her to do so! Aside from my slip-up about the RESET ability... But, she's already moved on from that! ...I think.

Sighing heavily as I accepted the fact that she was probably ignoring me, I looked outside the window. Currently, it was an hour after midnight, Frisk and I having just gotten back to the Skeleton brothers' house after walking home with my brothers and the Holiday kids. Once we'd finally settled in, I wound up seated in her desk chair trying to get it to spin around (unsuccessfully) while she did something on her phone that was apparently very immersive.

Outside the window, Frisk had a view of the mountain off in the distance. The shadowy forest surrounding it covered the lower entrance to the Underground, consequently giving it the illusion of a void-like barrier wrapped protectively around its looming mountain. It's probably for the best that I can't see the Underground's entrance. I don't particularly like the thought of my body's final resting place being right there. I'd rather it have been buried far away from here, possibly in some foreign country so I could say I'd been there, but no. There it lies, silently left forgotten underneath a bed of my 'favorite' flowers. Flowers that I used to manipulate my own brother with. Flowers that were eventually my entire family's undoing. Flowers that could easily intertwine their roots about your body like twisting, invasive tendrils, eternally trapping you under the crushing weight of your own dirt-filled grave.

. . .

...You can likely surmise my displeasure at being 'asleep' inside my corpse for more than a hundred years.

Shivering slightly, I shifted my attention to the streetlamps lining the newly paved street behind Sans and Papyrus' house. They illuminated a few separate sections of the street, appearing as if their lights were a string of golden islands stranded amidst a vast black sea. A group of humans and monsters slowly crossed one of these 'islands', talking and biting into cotton candies they'd bought at the festival. A few of the festival's lanterns, meanwhile, were still left on the side of the street, their tiny halos blending in with the larger 'mainlands'. The festival was set to continue throughout the day and late into the night of June 21rst, by the way. Currently, after the old grandfather's clock in the hallway announced midnight, it is June 22nd. I'm not sure when exactly the festival ends, but if we're being accurate, it already ended an hour ago.

'He looks so cool and mysterious when he's lost in thought...'

I froze.

Frisk froze.

Slowly I turned my head back to face her, trying my hardest to fight back the grin now appearing on my face.


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