7 ~ Fireflower

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~ ❀Chara❀ ~

          Pretty, isn't it?

A flame dancing on the horizon, turning night to day.

Small black silhouetted figures being pulled back and forth across the burning red and gold.

Ember rain covering the countryside in magnificent glowing crimson specs, not unlike that of fireflies.

The silver moon, a witness to it all, blissfully unawares.

A sight for sore eyes it is to me. Fire truly burns with such passion. It's breathtaking.

Fire is truly a wildly misunderstood element. It is absolutely beautiful when released to its devices; when at its most powerful, nothing can control it except for the liquid tears of the Heaven itself. It is playful and mischievous and very unpredictable. One second it could be a harmless glowing spark - the next, a burning wall of smothering heat.

It can even burn through an entire town without a single survivor.

Why do we wish to harness this beauty? It is alive as you and me. I suppose some are jealous of its splendor. Fire does move with such grace and speed.

Even said, it is saddening how the full potential of this great creature is never exploited. Instead it burns in small controlled bursts. Breath is unheard of to it. Only the smothering, sealing feeling of the water dumped upon it.

Can we not just let the fire breath? Can we not let the fire roam free? Can we not let it show its beautiful colors?

Can we not just leave it be to burn everything that ever tried to smother it?

. . .

I wish I could hear their screams from here. They've surely noticed by now. Perhaps they will not even care that I am not there with them.

Perhaps even he has been blessed by that glorious fire. 


~ ~ ~ ~


...I really don't know how to describe this.

Well, first things first, I suppose.

I'm not asleep. Well, not completely, anyway. I have been slipping in and out of consciousness every now and then. It's tiring being a floating half of a heart, you know? I also haven't had anything happen to suggest I'm being revived. (I'm refusing to say reborn, if you haven't noticed. It freaks me out to think of it that way.) As such, I don't have any idea what time it is nor how long I've been stuck in here. For all I know, it could be years by now and everyone has just forgotten about me. 

...It's more than likely just taking them a while to unbury my body, but you never know.

...Let's see... the interior of the extractor isn't really all that exciting... It's just a pitch-black abyss with red dots occasionally floating past that I've chalked up to being parts of my soul. I honestly don't have any idea how neither Frisk nor I are not dead (or - in my case - more dead). Her soul was broken in half. What happens when she dies? Her soul is broken in half. I suppose Dr. Gaster injected her soul with something; more Determination is likely. Where he got it from, I do not know.

. . .

..............My Lord, this place is boring.

I can't think of anything else to think about. I've already gone over my usual checklist of things to keep myself occupied I came up with for when Frisk was asleep (ghosts don't need sleep, after all). I've already thought over the past few days wondering what led up to all of this - of which, I still haven't figured out, by the way - and why I basically just let it happen. I've already planned over my looming future about three times now. I've questioned a couple of life choices. Came up with a few dad jokes Sans would be proud of. Contemplated pie. Rehearsed some very colorful language I plan on sharing with that neighbor of Frisk's who threw out an entire unopened box of jumbo-sized Reese's Peanut-Buttercups.

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