10 ~ Discharge

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~ ❀Chara❀ ~

                "You are officially discharged from my lab, prince Chara." Dr. Gaster grinned, setting his clipboard down on his desk. Alphys smiled widely and clapped from beside him. Asriel grinned and shoved my shoulder, setting me momentarily off balance.

Frisk squeezed my hand and smiled at me. I smiled wearily back and made to sit back on the bed behind me. Frisk helped me sit back down whilst Dr. Gaster and Asriel were discussing things I was and wasn't allowed to do after my departure.

"...For at least a week, he will need to ingest only liquids and drink plenty of water. His system will most likely begin clearing itself out to remove whatever poison it hadn't before, so water is vital to keep him hydrated." Dr. Gaster instructed, pointed upward matter-of-factly.

Asriel flinched and patted my shoulder awkwardly. Frisk glanced at me, a thoughtful look on her face. It's pretty obvious she's going to make sure I follow these instructions word-for-word.

I scowled at the scientist. Of course he has to be absolutely blunt about it. He might as well just out-right say I'm going to be throwing up a lot as a result of all this.

Dammit, Frisk.

"By liquids, do you mean things like yogurt or soup? If so, would chocolate pudding count?" I asked hopefully, removing my unfortunate future from my mind. Asriel stifled a chuckle while Frisk face-palmed.

Dr. Gaster shook his head. "Too much sugar. My apologies, I understand chocolate is a favorite sweet of yours."

My eyes widened and I looked down at the floor. Dammit, Frisk!! She forced me into this against my will with the promise that I was going to be reunited with my family but it's starting to do more harm than good! Not only do I have to somehow face the people I ruined the lives of, I'm about to have to spend who knows how long throwing up my guts again, and I can't have the only thing that keeps me sane! What in Asgore's name made her think any of this was a good idea?! Why the heck did I even let it happen?!

"What about the milk kind?" Frisk asked, breaking me out of my inward complaining. I glared at her. She thinks she can make this better with milk?! I mean, I'll still drink it if I can, but still!

A small amused smile crossed the skeleton's expression. "I'm afraid not. But regular milk would be another good thing for him to drink. I'd say why but I'm sure you already know and puns are more my son's thing." Dr. Gaster grinned at Asriel causing the latter to roll his eyes.

Frisk turned her head back to me and gave me a nervous smile. "Er, sorry, Chara... I tried, hehe..." I just glared at her with narrowed eyes, hoping that got across my discontent.

Asriel stretched his arms above his head, stifling a yawn. "So can we head out now? It's already noon and it would be better to get him all situated sooner than later."

I just huffed, looking around at all the notes and charts Dr. Gaster had plastered all over his lab's walls. My eyes are still a little finicky so I can only see blurred shapes right now. Kind of like whenever you wake up from a deep nap where you achieved rem sleep. Everything's really disoriented and your eyes feel like their about to pop out of your head. This is definitely the case right now as I can only make out strange looking anatomy charts and scribbled notes I'm sure are intelligible to even fresh eyes. There's also a few papers that depict random shapes including a bomb or a hand. I'm pretty sure that's an outdated language called Wingdings but I never learned it. It's kind of like the monster version of Latin.

Dr. Gaster narrowed his eyes at Asriel but kept a grin on his face. "Yes, you can help him home now. However, there is no need to be so hasty. It will take him a while before he's back to full strength, Asriel. It's not like you will be able to just simply walk out of here."

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