14 ~ Little Dreemurrs

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~ ❀Asriel❀ ~

"You good?"

Chara only glared at me, plopping down on the stairs beside me. I leaned back. "I take it, that's a no."

He sighed, resting his elbows on his knees. "It's not as bad as last time, at least."

I grimaced. "I'm... glad to hear it."

Somewhere around the corner, the sounds of mom and Frisk chatting in the kitchen overlapped the gospel music mom started blasting on her radio. Dad had sat awkwardly at the dining room table, having moved closer to them to, at the very least, talk to Frisk. Kris was also at the table, currently staring at the two of us. Specifically, his widened eyes were focused on Chara, either with a mix of horror or very minor concern. Kris hates throwing up. I can't tell if he feels bad for Chara or is just worried he's gonna somehow get sick, too.

"Kris looks like he just witnessed somebody dying," Chara commented, chucklingly dryly.

"He probably thinks it, too." I gave the smaller human a tiny wave, poking Chara in the shoulder with my other paw. "He's fine, Kris!" I called, trying to reassure him.

Chara rubbed his shoulder before slowly pushing himself up. "You think mom's got the music turned up to ignore me?"

I watched him, my grin wavering slightly. "She isn't trying to ignore you, Chara. If anything, she's trying to ignore dad. It's just... well..." I drifted off, unsure how to finish that sentence without saying something dumb.

Chara waved me off, giving me a small smile. "Yeah, I know. But I'm fine now. So, no need for you guys to worry."

I narrowed my eyes at his back as he began making his way to the table.

That's what he said the first time.

Kris continued eyeing him until Chara passed by and disappeared into what I assumed was the kitchen. Then, grabbing the foam plate of uneaten grapes mom gave him earlier, Kris ran over to me and nearly rammed into the bottom of the stairwell. He jumped back up with no complaint and plopped down on a stair two steps below mine.

His grapes left abandoned on the floor, he turned to me almost immediately. "What happened? Is he sick? Am I gonna get sick? Are you? Is it just a human thing? Is Frisk gonna get sick? Wait-" His eyes widened even more at the last part - if possible. "Frisk's been spending all day with that weirdo; she could get sick, too!! Azzy, what the fudge is going on?!!!!"

I chuckled at his use of 'fudge', before resting a paw on his unruly brown curls. "He's fine, Kris. And no, none of us are going to get sick. He's just... not feeling all that great after waking up from paralysis."

Is that even how paralysis works? I've got no idea. But hopefully Kris doesn't either.

His eyes narrowed. "I'm pretty sure people don't throw up a bunch after being passed out for a while unless they're sick, Azzy."


I rubbed his head with probably more enthusiasm than was necessary. "He's fine, Krisp. You're fine, I'm fine, Frisk's fine. Just leave it alone for now. In fact," I stood up, careful to untangle my paw from his hair, "let's go see how he's doing, eh? I'm sure mom could use some more help, anyway."

Kris frowned, but stood up as well. "Mama doesn't like me being in the kitchen while she's cooking. You know that."

I scooped him up and positioned him on my hip, not giving him any chance to fight back. "I'm sure she'll be fine with it! She could always use a good taste-tester."

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