9 ~ Chara Gets a Hug

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~ ❀Asriel❀ ~

               "So what's the story on your fancy dress?" I questioned, stuffing a strangely delicious ham, mayo, cheese and Oreos sandwich in my mouth. Frisk stared at my food choice for a second before shaking her head and looking over at Kris.

"Mettaton made it for me. He wanted me to wear it for a while so I kept it on."

"Only Mettaton could make you wear a dress for more than five minutes." I chuckled, adding another Oreo cookie to my sandwich. "How'd you keep it from getting spaghetti sauce on it though? You aren't exactly the cleanest eater."

Frisk turned back to me and narrowed her eyes. She huffed. "At least I don't have to take a shower after everytime I eat. You don't even bother with trying to keep food out of your fur."

I shrugged. "Usually I need a shower anyways." Frisk stifled a gag.

Across the room from us, Dr. Gaster chuckled while sorting through some random papers he had scattered about his desk. Kris sat a little ways beside him kicking his legs back and forth under the plastic chair he was sitting on. He'd been restless the entire time we'd been here, most likely aware something was about to happen. Come to think of it, he's been really anxious all day... I wonder if he knows what's going on? Probably not, he's most likely just bothered by mom's panicking.

Speaking of which, Mom hasn't really taken the whole 'chara came back from the dead' news very well. At first she was in denial, claiming there was no reason to hold on to the past and that we should 'accept his death and celebrate his memory' or something like that. She obviously refused to do that in the Underground so I don't know where this whole moving on thing came from. After we finally convinced her this was happening - Sans and Dr. Gaster had to step in because dad figured he'd just make things worse - she started trying to prepare for him waking up. Currently, she's extremely pissed off at everyone involved for not telling her sooner. I can't really blame her for it. We don't really have any idea what Chara's going to do after he's fully up and around.

Our plan was as such; separate Frisk and Chara and bring him back from the dead. If we can, we also figure out some way to counteract Kris' current determination (of which I'm still a little iffy on the whole 'training' thing). After that, we didn't really think about the future much. I know for a fact Frisk didn't because she's been acting really nervous these past two weeks. I guess it finally hit her what exactly she's getting Chara into. From what I understand though, mom's planning on having him stay with us. Dad offered but we all know how that went down with mom. As for announcing Chara's return to the monsters, we have no idea.

...Holy shit... What the hell have we gotten ourselves into?! We have to somehow tell the monsters that Chara's back which they aren't going to be happy about; from what I've heard as Flowey, Chara was used as an example of 'bad humans' because they wanted someone to blame. And we have to somehow tell Kris about all this which I'm ninety-percent sure isn't going to go down well. Not to mention how well Chara's gonna take to everything... From what it sounded like, he wanted zero part of it.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens... Man, it's getting tiring waiting for all this nonsense. I've gotten more stress from this alone than it's honestly worth. Can it just be done and over with now so I don't have to panic anymore?

"...You figured out a way to introduce them yet?"

I looked up from my thoughts to see Frisk watching the ever-energetic Kris. I sighed and looked back down at my plate.

"...No... Have you, by any chance?" I side-glanced her, a small hopeful feeling crossing over me.

Frisk's head tilted down. "...I have an idea. But I feel like it wouldn't be appropriate."

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