16 ~ Weathered Locket

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~ ❀Frisk❀ ~

                 "Hey! Frisk!"

I glanced behind me, tilting my head curiously as Asriel came speed-walking up the road toward me. "Asriel? What's up?"

Once he finally reached me, he let out a few heavy breaths and leaned on his knees. "Golly, you walk fast. You know that?"

I smiled nervously, adjusting the box in my arms so I was carrying it more comfortably. "I guess...? Hehe.."

After a second of slowing his breath, Asriel straightened up again, resting his paws on his hips. "Sorry 'bout just coming out of nowhere, I need to ask you about something. And quickly 'cause Chara and Kris are following me."

My lips tightened. "It's about last night, isn't it."

Asriel waved me on, gesturing for me to continue walking. He kept pace beside. "Well, yeah. You and Chara didn't say a word to each other after making those cupcakes last night. I'm used to you being relatively quiet, but Chara? He never shuts up. What happened? I just need a straight, simple answer. That's all I'm asking, then I'll leave you alone."

I stared straight ahead, watching as the lake slowly came into view far off down the road from us. It's a greenish-blue today. I shifted the box in my arms again. "I don't really know. Everything was fine. We were talking and joking like usual and then... well, I guess something Chara said set me off. Then I said something stupid. And now..." I narrowed my eyes, glaring at the beautiful sunlight gleaming along the lake's surf. "Now I have no idea what to say to him."

Asriel shoved his paws in his pockets, thoughtfully kicking rocks in the path. "Yeah, Chara said something similar... What did he say that set you off?"

My nails dug into the edges of the pink cardboard box. "I don't think it was any specific thing he said. Just... he seemed surprised that I could've missed him while he was gone. And then when I told him that I did, he acted like he didn't believe me. And this wasn't even the first time this has happened either, Asriel! He never seems to believe me when I tell him people care about him!!!" My lips tightened and I began to pick up the pace. "You'd think everyone going out of their way to bring him back would be enough proof!"

Asriel sped up with me, awkwardly pulling his paws out of his pockets to keep his balance. "Yeah, I've noticed that. And I have a theory about it. But, what did you say after that?"

I stopped. Asriel stopped with me, letting out a confused grunt whilst trying not to trip. We were silent for a second, him awkwardly waiting for me to reply and me just standing there watching the lake across the way. I clutched the box in my hands tight enough that its edges started to fold inward.

"...I asked him if he hated us," I whispered, looking down at my whitened knuckles.

Asriel didn't say anything for a moment. A few humans walked across the road ahead, waving to us as they entered what I guessed to be Mr. Asgore's shop. For a second I thought I recognized them, but they were in the door and gone before I could get a good look.

The future king of monsters waved me forward once more, a placid expression on his face. "You were caught up in the heat of the moment, right?"

I nodded just the tiniest bit. "I shouldn't have said it. I-"

He held up a paw. "Saying that doesn't change the past, Frisk. And... well, it is a good question. But, I don't think it was the right one, if that makes sense." His crimson eyes studied the pavement beneath us, the expression on his face appearing way beyond his years. But then, he has been around a while, hasn't he?

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