8 ~ To Speak Again

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~ ❀Chara❀ ~

                    Ugh... My everything hurts...

Wait... what...?

"...He's stable, Doctor."

"Good. Go contact Asriel, he said he wanted to be here for this."

"Y- yes, Dr. Gaster. ...Erm..."

"Is something the matter, Alphys?"

"It looks like he's shifting around."

"It could just be oxygen leaving the body. That happens to human corpses."

. . .what. . .

"N-no, I think he's awake, Doctor."

"Hmm... I'll see to him, then. Please, hurry along now."

"I'll be right back, s- sir."

"...Chara? Are you awake? Can you hear me?"

Yes, and yes. However, I would appreciate it if you weren't breathing down my neck to ask me that.

"If you believe you can, try to move a finger."

Old man, I am currently in a state of perpetual confusion right now. I can't tell what parts of me I'm numb to and what parts are making me think I'm on fire. How the hell do you think I'm going to be able to move a finger?

"Ah good. It seems you're responsive."

That's what that jerk feeling was? I thought my arm was being ripped off.

"From the looks of it, you're soul is attaching itself to your body without issue. However, don't be surprised if you won't be able to move for a while."

I figured as much, seeing as it feels like half of me is exploding and the other half is dead to the world.

...Which it probably is, truth be told.

"It is remarkable how fast your vital organs were able to restart, though. I still have much to learn about the mysteries of humans bodies, but as far as I've become aware, coming back from a complete shutdown isn't a fast process."

First off, I don't want to hear about that. Secondly, It's pretty obvious how little you know about humans. Thirdly, as I've told Frisk before, it's not exactly common practice for humans to come back from being completely dead, anyway. It's possible to restart the heart after a few seconds, but I've never heard of that ever working for more than a few minutes.

"I wonder if your brain has regained function once more as well. You were able to move your finger, but that is only the matter of the frontal lobe. There is still the amygdala and other sections to take into consideration... "

I know my brain is at least working, I doubt I'd be able to think if it wasn't. It might be my nervous system and blood flow that are the problem right now.

...It think at least. I'm not really a doctor or anything, I'm just kind of guessing.

"Dr. Gaster, I- I brought Asriel. H- he seems a little stressed, though-"

"Of course I'm stressed!!! Kris just nearly blew himself up, I can't find Frisk anywhere, Mom's freaking out and the whole town's about to loose their shit!"

"Language, young prince."

"Oh, shut up, old man! On top of all that, I find out Chara's awake after two freaking weeks of nothing?! It's like the whole world picked today to screw over everything!!"

...Sounds like I've missed a lot. Also, it's only been two weeks? It felt like two years.

"Asriel, calm down. The town is only making a big deal out of the election. The ballot box was messed with, but they're getting it worked out now. Your mother was just as stressed out when you were revived as she is now. Finally, I'm not sure about Kris, but he must be fine. He seems to be made of rubber. You are just piling things on yourself. Take a seat and relax for a second."

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