6. down by the riverside

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Dean Ambrose pushed his finger on the bell of the front door of the mansion, silently noting the stark contrast the massive, modern house was to the rest of the picturesque Massachusetts countryside. Adjusting his cheap red polo shirt that served as his work uniform tonight, he kept his head down and pulled his hat lower so that the surveillance cameras would not capture his face. A full, bushy beard spread across the bottom of his features as part of his disguise, and a Number 2 pencil was tucked behind his ear. A strange object to be carried around by a pizza delivery guy, but no one was going to question Ambrose or his eclectic methods.

He pressed the bell again. A booming voice demanded from the other side on the door. "Who is it?"

"Delivery from Tony's Pizza," Dean replied with his best 'high school dropout' voice and cringed, realizing he sounded a little too much like Keanu Reeves' character in 'Point Break', "I have an order of two large pepperoni and a medium size chicken and mushroom-"

The door was thrown open and there stood an annoyed John Cena. Upstanding, law-abiding citizen and philanthropist by day, ruthless drug kingpin by night. A criminal hiding in plain sight, he used his anti-drug philosophy to conceal his true nature and built his illicit drug empire from the ground up. But of course, the more powerful you were, the more enemies you made, and one of Cena's many detractors had enough resources to hire The Authority to take him out.

Roman watched the proceedings from inside the makeshift pizza delivery van, his brown irises fixed on the laptop set up in front of him, adjusting his earpiece so that he could hear the exchange between Cena and Ambrose better. Planning this mission had taken a little longer for Roman than usual. The team knew that the target had backup and firepower by the bucket load and would not be afraid to use it. If they got it wrong, there would be a whole lot of trouble for the team. The mission would be disastrous, but the Samoan was determined that it went as smoothly as possible. He'd hacked into the residence's surveillance system and distorted all the feeds without a problem. Now the rest was up to Ambrose.

Cena stepped out of the house, followed closely by two henchmen of his. Without as much as a greeting he snatched the pizza boxes out of Dean's hands. "What took you so fucking long?" he griped, opening one box, while one henchman carefully frisked Dean for weapons.

"We were figuring out which gun to blow your head off with," Roman muttered into his earpiece.

Cena handed the pizza to the man standing to his left. As the man pulled out one slice of the pizza, Roman scoffed and rolled his eyes. Yeah right, asshole, he thought. The look on Dean's face told him he was thinking the same thing. Every idiot knows that poisoning open food is such an obvious route.

"I apologize sir, we're a little short-staffed at the moment," Dean said politely.

"Hey, do I look like I give a fuck about your little sob story?" Cena snapped, pointing at himself.

Dean blinked with surprise, then scratched his beard sheepishly. "Oh, uh...sorry, sir."

Roman worked hard to hold in his laughter. Dean Ambrose's brilliance scared him sometimes.

"You better be sorry," Cena snapped. "Now tell me how much I owe you before I change my mind about paying you."

From behind him, a young woman with jet-black hair and the biggest set of breasts Ambrose had seen in recent memory, sauntered towards them wearing a cropped top and boy shorts, looking higher than a kite in the summer breeze. "Ooh, pizza!" she cooed, swaying a little as she approached. "It's about time, I'm starving..."

"What the fuck?!" Cena jumped, startled. "Nicole! What the...Did I tell you to come down here? Wearing that, no less?" he barked, rounding on her.

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