19. <One-On-One>

668 16 51

Blackstones Steakhouse, Greenwich, CT, 1916 hrs

"Your table is waiting, Mr. Reigns. We have a complimentary bottle of our finest champagne for you."

"Thank you, Byron."

The maitre d' smiled warmly. "Closed another deal, sir?"

Roman's voice was flat as he walked into his and his girlfriend's favorite restaurant for the last time. "I'm about to."

He took his seat in the far corner of the restaurant and stared at all the other loved-up couples in their seats. He thought he had that too, not long ago. But it was just a pathetic illusion. This was why he never believed in happy endings. They were merely stories that were not finished yet.

He may have blown up their HQ, but Jasmine was still alive. He could sense it in his bones. She was a survivor, and this would not be any different. He knew she would come. And when she did...well, let's say tonight's events were not going to be pretty.


Roman picked up his phone and dialed a number, hating the trembling of his usually steady hands. There was one person he had wanted to call for a while, but he had been too...occupied...to do so. He had to speak to her, even if it was just for one last time.

She answered after three rings. "Hello?"

"Hello, Leona."

"Roman! It's been a while." The surprise was evident in her tone. "Is everything alright?"

Unfortunately, this was not the time for friendly chit chat. "Remember Jasmine, my girlfriend?" he asked.

"Yeah. Am I finally going to meet her? I knew you would come around. She seems like a really special girl."

Roman felt his chest tighten a little. He took a deep, heavy breath. "She's a rival, Leona. She tried to kill me. And I've been assigned to take her out."

For several seconds, the line went quiet. "You're serious," Leona breathed.

"Dead serious. I'm meeting with her right now. After tonight, one of us will be dead. And just in case it's me...I want to thank you. For everything." Shit. He was getting emotional, but rightly so. He needed to let Leona know that he cared about her. He always saw her, in his little warped way, as the mother figure he had been deprived of. He needed to say this to her in case he would never get the chance to.

"Roman, are you sure about this?"

He sighed deeply. He could hear the disappointment in her voice. "Yes," he uttered quietly, despite his heart saying otherwise.

"I am so sorry." She sounded sincere, too.

"So am I. Goodbye, Leona." And he hung up the phone. Now, all he had to do was wait.

Dean had spoken to him earlier, and his words resonated in his head:

"You gotta do this, my friend. You don't have a choice. You can take the weekend off and mourn or whatever afterwards, but get it done. Remember; she's not your girlfriend anymore. She's the enemy now."



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Targets - A Roman Reigns AU StoryWhere stories live. Discover now