15: Revealed

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When Roman came storming into HQ, it was like the parting of the Red Sea, from the entrance all the way to the Control Room. All it took was one look at the big Samoan to send everyone scurrying out of his way. He hardly got angry, not in public at least, but today he was livid. Fuming. Incensed.

Pissed off.

Kevin Owens, however, was the only person in The Authority who seemed to have missed the memo not to get in Roman's bad books. He laughed in his face the moment he stepped into the Control Room. "This is the funniest shit I've heard in a long time," he cackled. "You got your ass handed to you by a girl. Ha!"

Roman ignored him, but his fingers twitched, needing to kill something. Someone. One rookie agent offered him a cup of coffee, which he accepted as graciously as his wired mind would allow him. Now he could keep his hands occupied. He called for Jimmy and handed him the hair sample and the beanie hat. "Take this to Forensics. I want the results ASAP," Roman instructed, before turning to Jimmy's twin brother. "Jey, rerun the surveillance from Vegas on the night."

"Right away, Big Uce."

Hunter walked over, his arms crossed and a frown creasing his features. "Well, this is a mess," he pointed out, giving Roman a meaningful glance.

The Samoan's reply was clipped and cold. "Yes, it is, Hunter. And as you can see, I'm cleaning it up."

"Oh, man. I can't wait to find out who the bitch is," Kevin guffawed. "I'm going to give her a fucking medal."

Roman was about to turn around and smash his coffee mug into Kevin's face when Seth placed a calming hand on his shoulder. Rollins could gauge what his colleague was thinking and frankly, he would have done the same thing. But now was not the time. The big man had bigger things to worry about.

Roman thanked Seth with a short nod and returned his focus to the twins. He really was in no mood for anyone's bullshit.


Jasmine's Louboutins clicked angrily on the polished floor as she walked, the senior agent too irate to acknowledge the wary looks everyone was giving her. She slammed the blood sample on the desk, startling the F.L.O.R.A. agent sitting there. "Tulip. Get this to Forensics right now."

Nodding, Tulip took off

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Nodding, Tulip took off. Nobody dared to test Jasmine in the foul mood she was obviously in. She moved around the room seamlessly, professionally, not missing a step. She was a woman on a mission. "Poppy, found anything from the surveillance?"

"Negative. But could you confirm the point where the bullet came at you?"

Jasmine leaned over Poppy's seat and pointed. "Right there. I'm certain of it. Get this done quickly, please. I want to know where this guy is from, what he looks like, what time he walked into the MGM, if Xavier Woods was his intended target. Hell, what he had for breakfast the morning of! I wanna know everything about this motherfucker, and ASAP."

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