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The Ritz Hotel, London, England.

It was set to become the biggest party of the year in all of the United Kingdom, more lavish than the recent Royal wedding, or the banquet the Queen would host at the Buckingham Palace later in then year. And he would not have it any other way.

Ric Flair was one of the most powerful politicians in America, but England was one of his favorite places to be. His annual Gala Night in the country's capital was the party every important person wanted to be at. Bigwigs from across the world showed up every year no matter which country it was hosted in, and they would pretend to be interested in the hot air the other wealthy schmuck was blowing, and throwing obscene amounts of money on some mundane charity just to one-up their rivals. So many viable targets for the Authority to feast on, but tonight the company was interested in just one person.

 So many viable targets for the Authority to feast on, but tonight the company was interested in just one person

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The Agents had their target well scouted. Charlotte was Ric's only child and her Daddy's pride and joy – at least in public, she was. Behind closed doors, it was a different story. They were constantly at loggerheads, with Daddy adamant that his precious daughter was hell-bent on dragging his name and political ambitions through the mud with her tabloid-worthy antics. Just recently, she had been thrown into an Emirati jail for stealing from one of the Sheikhs she was hooking up with on his yacht. In exchange for keeping the entire ordeal quiet and getting her the hell of the UAE, Ric forced her to attend his party to show the solidarity that had long ceased to exist between them.

She looked radiant tonight, wearing a long, pretty ballgown and a diamond necklace with a key pendant that rested right above her enhanced cleavage. Anyone else would have dismissed it as just another ornament, but the Agents knew better. That key contained access to a box of diamonds, with each stone engraved with the numbers of all her father's illicit offshore accounts around the world. They had to get that key, and they needed to retrieve it ASAP.

Baron Corbin joined Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose on this assignment. If Kevin Owens was a dangerous sociopath, Corbin was a much more amplified, far more sadistic, more vicious upgrade. He was nicknamed the Lone Wolf for a very good reason, reasons the other three men had witnessed and wished they never had. As much of a sociopathic asshole as he was, however, he was extremely charming and persuasive when he wanted to be, and was efficient at what he did. Women were putty in his hands. Tonight would be no different.

"A bottle of Cristal, please," Charlotte heard a deep voice say to the bartender. The blonde socialite turned at the sound of the unfamiliar voice, taking in the hot new guy leaning against the bar that looked like he could crush her with his bare hands. She was a sucker for men like that. He met her entranced gaze and a flirty smile formed on his face. "Smashing party, isn't it?"

She gave an exaggerated roll of her eyes as she played with the rim of her champagne flute. "If you say so," she said with a shrug. "Nothing I haven't seen before."

"You sound thrilled," he joked. He eyed her for a moment then extended his hand. "I'm Tom."

She hesitated at first, then took his hand. "Charlotte."

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