14. Collission//:Course

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The Fury-Wilder fight was being touted as the most anticipated boxing match in over a decade. Las Vegas was a hotbed of excitement and anticipation for the fight that was sure to be talked about for years after. However, it wouldn't be a special fight without the world's most talked-about hot topic in attendance, and he didn't disappoint.

Xavier Woods emerged from the limousine to a sea of flash bulbs. He waved and smiled smugly at the shouting press before reaching for his date. "Babe, let's not keep the people waiting."

Jasmine took his hand with a dazzling smile and walked with him into the building, two burly men following close behind them

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Jasmine took his hand with a dazzling smile and walked with him into the building, two burly men following close behind them. Her dark hair was concealed by a red wig styled and curled in pretty waves. She hated how revealing the jumpsuit she was wearing was, but she had to look the part. Clueless, slutty and Brazilian. Behind her, one of Xavier's bodyguards carried was a black briefcase containing a quarter of a million dollars, which he planned to splash around tonight. They had to go through security in the lobby of the MGM Arena. Xavier was checked, as was Jasmine. As she extended her arms, the guard frisked her slowly, deliberately. As he stood back upright, he winked lasciviously at her, and it took all of her willpower not to reach over and rip his eyeballs out of their sockets. It wouldn't be the first time; eye gouges were her specialty.

They had seats at the front row, with Xavier sitting between a bodyguard and Jasmine, another bodyguard sitting directly behind Xavier. As Woods happily signed autographs and took pictures with adoring fans, Jasmine kept her gaze ahead, making sure her face could not be seen in any of the pictures. The last thing she wanted was to be linked to what would go down by the end of the night.

Two preliminary matches had gone by before Xavier finally refocused on her, tapping her leg to get her attention. "So, Tatiana, are you enjoying yourself so far?" he asked, smiling at her.

She made a show of looking around in awe. "Yes. Lot of fun," she gushed in a heavy Portuguese accent, "I have never been to boxing match before."

"Oh, you're gonna enjoy this one. And judging from how beautiful you look, I see myself enjoying a whole lot more tonight..." Xavier's smile became a leer as he let his hand slide suggestively along her inner thigh. "Because we're going to have a little...match...of our own, later."


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